She trimmed the sleeves WTH lace.
I can make words WTH these letters.
I wish to stay WTH you in twilight waiting for break.
A rear alleyway was enclosed WTH a glass roof to create a well-lit interior living room.
Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know whos fallng n love wth your smle.
纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展, ,你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。
“Apple is Steve Jobs wth ten thousand lives, ” Guy Kawasaki, Apple’s former chief evangelist, told me.
“苹果是史蒂夫·乔布斯与数以万计的生命,”盖伊·川崎(Guy Kwasaki),苹果前首席宣传官,对我这么说道。
An outdoor area behind the building's point is named Memory Orchard and planted WTH apple, pear and plum trees.
建筑后方的室外区域被命名为Memory or chard,这里种植了苹果、梨子和李子树。
I agree WTH you that cultural exchange is important if we are to maintain world peace and advance human progress.
Details: fly to Biarritz wth Ryanair (0871 246 0000,, from Stansted, Birmingham and Dublin; or with EasyJet (
详细信息: 可以在斯坦斯、伯明翰和都柏林乘坐瑞安航空公司(0871 246 0000,的航班飞往比亚里茨,也可以在盖特威克和布里斯托尔乘坐易捷航空公司(的航班飞往那里。
In 2008, there were 40 cases of human infection with H5N1, leading to 30 deaths — a tiny number compared WTH the death toll from ordinary flu.
This method is simple WTH high precision and can conveniently solve problem of "cracked plate". Computation and laboratory test have proved it practicable in concrete pavement design.
The underground water source heat pump and floor heating system are introduced, and the system combined wth these two systems are put forward and the benefits are analyzed in this paper.
This Law states that WTH every increase in consumption of a unit, your utility (satisfaction) will reach a point where it will increase at a decreasing rate and eventually start to decline.