That's about the same distance as 337 round trips from Earth to Pluto.
How many round trips can your cart make in a day?
《新英汉大辞典》You see the two "round trips" clearly here.
Batch SQL statements to reduce round trips.
The testing navigation consists of four round trips
测试导航由 4 个回路组成
So having fewer round trips but larger batches is better for performance.
This identifier is used to locate the session across server round trips.
Use case transactions, being round trips, should be expected everywhere in the use case.
Worse, this approach also requires three round trips to the system in charge of the money.
Typically these types of server-side operations require repeated round trips to the server.
It also reduces the potential number of round trips between an application and the database.
Stored procedures can help to avoid network round trips by encapsulating multiple SQL statements.
存储过程可以封装多个 SQL 语句,有助于避免网络往返。
In other words, your estimation should be based on transactions being "round trips," not system steps.
All of these advantages lead to a highly reactive and responsive UI, without server round trips and page flickering.
Number of round trips is the number of requests issued to the data server during the execution of the statement.
The transformations themselves require server cycles; in addition, the form might require multiple client-server round trips.
This means that operations like maximizing or minimizing the portlet are performed on the client side, and round trips to the server are avoided.
NET provides state management capabilities so you can save your own variables and application-specific or session-specific information between round trips.
Taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in April 002, this image shows the upper 2.5 light-years of the nebula, a height that equals 23 million round trips to the moon.
By caching these objects on the edge server closer to the end users, Akamai can reduce the number of round trips to retrieve static content from the origin server.
Updating the view locally on the client saves round trips to the server, shortens response time by orders of magnitude, and dramatically improves the user experience.
Additionally, processing multiple rows together improves the performance because there are fewer round trips between the application (DB2 client) and the database engine.
此外,同时处理多个行还可以提高性能,因为减少了应用程序(DB 2客户机)与数据库引擎之间的交互次数。
Additionally, statelessness can be difficult to achieve and can lead to multiple round trips to the database for information that is normally stored within the context of the session.
On top of this, lawmakers get 40 round trips a year to their constituencies and free train travel, as well as pension benefits that accumulate twice as fast as those of civil servants.
With the user's permission, a Flex application can cache unlimited data on the client side, which reduces network round trips if the same data is requested again in the same or future sessions.
At first glance, this seems to take the same two server round-trips as our earlier cooperative locking code.
So having fewer but larger batches and round-trips is better for performance.
Yet each of these detours requires two server round-trips just to get the users back to where they were.