If he pulls the plug, our sick economy is going to die.
A sick economy constrained by demand works very differently from a normal one.
Our debt has doubled over the past eight years, and we've inherited a trillion-dollar deficit - which we must add to in the short term in order to jumpstart our sick economy.
But even if the money markets are looking less sick, the full repercussions of the financial seizure are starting to be felt in the wider economy.
Japan's economy cannot be removed from the sick list until consumers start spending again.
We're always hearing about how many billions it costs the economy when workers go off sick. Annually it could be as much as $350 billion in the US and $66 billion in the UK.
Tyler Cowen, of George Mason University, says that the American economy has eaten all the low-hanging fruits of modern history and got sick.
Imagine you had a few difficult years – your mother died, you lost your job and had to start over, you were sick for a while and as a result your economy isn't the greatest.
Another new seating zone could perhaps be "Sick Bay" : located in Economy, at the back of the cabin, insulated from the rest of the cabin by a clear plastic sheet, with dedicated toilets.