We always play outside, have snowball fight, and make snow man.
For instance, every Sunday night, one couple, Orbuch said, would go out in their snow-filled backyard and have a snowball fight or build a snowman.
Or buch给我们举了个例子,每个星期日的晚上,一对夫妇都会去白雪皑皑的院子里打雪仗,堆雪人。
Building a snow cave is also fun. If you have many friends in your neighborhood, you can build a snow fort and have a big snowball fight.
I can have a snowball fight with my friends in the snow.
I like winter as it snows that we can have snow fight, make snowman, roll snowball, and go skating.
Qiqi wants to have a snow ball fight. He throws a snowball into his friend's garden.
If you have many friends in your neighborhood, you can build a snow fort and have a big snowball fight.
To amuse themselves during the winter school break, the kids in a small village decide to have a massive snowball fight.
冬季娱乐自己学校休息,孩子们决定的一个小村庄有一个巨大的打雪仗。 卢克和苏菲,11岁,成为对立的领导人。