1 词典释义:
reduce volume
时间: 2025-03-11 07:13:30
英 [rɪˈdjuːs ˈvɒljuːm]
美 [rəˈd(j)us ˈvɑljəm]


  • Compared with tradition design, the optimum design can contribute to reduce volume and save material.


  • Crush foam packer:This machine is mainly used to press crush foam to reduce volume, then pack it to tran…

    机器简介: 废 绵打包机:这种机器主要是将碎 绵 压实使其体积缩小,然后将其包装以方便运输。

  • To prevent harms of electrostatic, first step is strict operation regulations to reduce volume of electrostatic.


  • The main material is bricks which are individualized by a module and it is chosen to reduce volume of the project for optical illusion.


  • The inversional power supply technology applied to the industrial portable X ray sets may save energy, decrease cost, reduce volume and weight, and be easy to carry about.


  • In order to improve the property price rate of intelligent instruments, reduce volume and weight, this paper introduces a new method of running two monitor programs in a singlechip microcomputer.


  • The Shuttle galley was redesigned in 1991 to reduce the weight and volume and to update the electronics.


  • If the listener wants to hear two people talking, but one is naturally much quieter than the other, they can increase the volume of the quieter talker and reduce that of the other, ’ said Günel.


  • This can reduce traffic and processing overhead considerably when the message volume is high.


  • Reduce the volume of paper coming in by sorting mail over the recycling bin or trash, keeping only those papers that require an action or filing.


  • They often have an incentive to reduce waste anyway, since most already pay for disposal by volume.


  • He thinks drivers should be aware of the impact music has on them and advised them to either choose slower tunes or to turn down the volume to reduce distraction.


  • The goal is to identify why these types of returns are happening and work to reduce their volume.


  • Also, it might be the task of the announcer to reduce the volume on one channel so that another channel will be audible.


  • Critics and admirers of incinerators alike call for more recycling and reduced use of packaging as ways to reduce the daily volume of municipal garbage.


  • Additionally, the 80 percent reduction in the data directory footprint can significantly reduce their backup volume, requiring less time for backups to complete.


  • Lowering this value will reduce the volume of traffic ARFM will allow to the backend.


  • So RBS and LBG want to renegotiate to reduce the cost of the insurance and the volume of assets they place into the scheme.


  • It basically shows the current time in a huge font, which is configurable, and you can reduce its size using the volume buttons.


  • To remedy this, I've created an accessibility toolkit, a set of utility methods that can significantly reduce the volume of "set" methods needed to provide accessible information in your GUIs.


  • This form will provide a way to avoid (or at least reduce) the volume of computed Notes formulas that occur within pass-thru HTML and provide another performance enhancement.

    这个表单将提供一种避免(或至少减少)pass-thru HTML 内出现这么多计算 Notes 公式的方法,并提供了另一种性能改进。

  • Data Capture and Delivery provides a framework to normalize, filter, smooth, and summarize the data, eliminating extraneous data or compressing the data volume to reduce the bandwidth and server load.

    Data Capture and Delivery组件提供了一个框架来规范化、过滤、整理和总结这些数据,去掉无关的数据或是压缩数据量来减轻带宽和服务器负载。

  • You can use the rmlvcopy command to remove copies of logical partitions of a logical volume. To reduce the number of copies of each logical partition belonging to logical volume testlv, enter

    可以使用 rmlvcopy 命令删除逻辑卷的逻辑分区拷贝。

  • You can't reduce paging space if you don't have enough space in your volume group for the temporary paging space.


  • The Securities and Exchange Commission proposed to reduce the volume of shares in a company that can be traded on "dark pools" without prices being made public.


  • Reduce the volume of trash you have to pack out and save weight by repackaging solid food into plastic bags and liquids into reusable containers.


  • Reduction in herniated disk volume, as disk shrinkage may reduce nerve root Compression.


  • The initial attempt is to try to reduce the volume of the building, we hope to make the volume of kindergarten as low as possible, looking like two-layer or even one layer.


  • And not reduce body fat volume.


  • Studies in animals and people have shown that physical activity generally increases brain volume and can reduce the number and size of age-related holes in the brain's white and gray matter.
