Treat these transfers like you’d treat any other financial obligation.
Something pledged, especially an engagement by contract involving financial obligation.
Bond - a financial obligation for a violation of Residence Rules to help ensure that further occurrences do not happen.
In a divorce or separation, the money paid by one spouse to the other in order to fulfill the financial obligation that comes with marriage.
The risk that a debtor or counterparty will be unable or unwilling to repay or may otherwise default on a financial obligation of some kind.
This full moon is in hard aspect to Saturn, so it looks as through you may have to fulfill a certain financial obligation, even if the timing feels a bit unfortunate.
Escaping the financial obligation is not only forbidden but also spread viciously and it seriously injures the benefits of many creditors such as financial institutions etc.
The same international community that felt obligated to spend hundreds of billions rescuing financial systems should also feel an obligation to rescue people in such desperate need.
A short-term financial instrument that is the unconditional obligation of the accepting bank.
Credit principle in nature is a kind of social capital or a kind of social contract obligation which shows great vitality in the legislation of international financial organizations such as WTO.
Article 28 a financial institution that has entered the interbank lending market shall assume the information disclosure obligation to the interbank lending market.
Article 2 Strengthening the deposit risk management shall be an obligation of the banking financial institutions to protect the safety of customers' funds and a routine job in the risk management.
Article 28 Where a financial institution has entered the interbank borrowing market, it shall bear the obligation for information disclosure to the interbank borrowing market.
Activities, accidents, or organizers of an obligation to change the itinerary rescue organization, but does not assume any legal and financial responsibility and are hereby acknowledged.
The company is currently in active negotiations with its financial lenders to explore various options (including refinancing) to address its repayment obligation.
We believe in supporting a good cause is an obligation of financial success, and respecting the environment is simply a matter of conscience.