I too have a love for video games.
Requirements for all positions: Good health; non-smoker, and no criminal record. Have a love for children. Must be hard working and work well with others.
Many people have thought of going to Delaware for a summer vacation, and mid June is a great time to plan a trip if you love music.
For instance, suppose you say you would really love to have a cup of coffee right now, and I say "there's a shop around the corner".
Do you still have a strong love for cartoons?
But for those who have a special someone in their lives, the "Love Message Yelling Event" helped give relationships a boost.
I call my wife and tell her I love her and that I have a surprise for her tonight.
I have always been a fortunate man, and never more so for the love and encouragement you have given me.
He also doesn't seem to have a whole lot of love for just people in general.
"My doctor, whom I love and have a lot of respect for, kept saying the same things, " Cohn says.
Only a twisted person would have married him for love.
We have a lot of ideas for improvements but would also love to hear yours.
Love is a bonding experience where you have Shared viewpoints and where you feel for each other.
You may have a passion for her, but it isn't love.
Imagine this for a moment: you have no administrative tasks, only the core work that you love doing.
Throughout my life, I have always taken my deep and abiding love for this country as a given.
For example people whose strength is perspective are also likely to have a love of learning.
Contrary to what most people think, the statistics show that most people fall in love with someone that they have known for a while.
"You have to provide a reflective voice," Robb says. "you can say, 'I understand your love for this, but what are the costs?"
What is important is that, in my heart, I have a deep love for life. I will keep in high spirits.
While scientists have yet to concoct a love potion, their research is providing some helpful tips for a successful marriage.
With more research and the rapid technological advancement in brain scanners, Fisher expects soon to have a formula for understanding the brain locations for love and emotions in both men and women.
One of the most notorious aphrodisiacs, oysters are high in zinc and have a reputation for being great for love and fertility.
So we have a lot of sort of love and marriage imagery, husband and wife imagery, used for God and Israel, but we also have this parent and child imagery that appears.
But we have a kind of love for them, which is a very important element of human life.
I have a natural inborn love and reverence for him, as for all strong characters, and it makes his antipathy for me doubly painful.
I love to, but I have to study for a test tomorrow night.
B: Yes, I'd love to be a doctor but you have to study for years.
I'll start working on doing what I love for a living, when I have enough time.