On the building berth.
In Wuhu Jiangdong Ship Building Factory, a new building berth and chute are established on the slope with thick soft under layer.
It is the first time that large-area manually excavated piles were applied as the foundation of? Structure? In ship-building berth project.
Building berth is the fixed ground support and launching-cradle is only used while launching. The latter will be sliding together with the ship into the water.
Apart from certain small craft built on inland waterways, which are launched sideways, the great majority of ships are launched stern first from the building berth.
To study the environmental risks and allow wave-energy engineers to test their inventions, she and colleagues at Oregon State, including Boehlert, are building a floating test berth nearby.
为了研究环境风险并允许波浪能量工程师对他们的发明进行测试,Von Jouanne和俄勒冈州立大学的同事们(包括Boehlert),正在附近建一座浮动的测试锚位计划明年投入使用。