1 词典释义:
sleep center
时间: 2024-12-28 16:16:06
英 [sliːp ˈsentə]
美 [sliːp ˈsentər]


  • New York sleep center study found that most people in the wake up one or two hours the most sober mind.


  • Sometimes, however, the sleep center is unsuccessful in shutting down both the brain and the body at the same time.


  • Long-term negative emotional and mental fatigue or interfere with the patient's "sleep center", resulting in sleep disorders.


  • "These noises can stop intrusive thoughts, " John Shneerson, President of the British Sleep Society and consultant at Papworth Sleep Center in Britain.


  • Methods The medical data of the OSAHS patients in the Sleep Center of the Duchess Kent Children′s Habilitation Institute from May 999 to May 00 were retrospectively reviewed.

    方法回顾性总结香港大学附属根德夫人儿童医院睡眠中心999年月至00 年月的儿童OSAHS病例资料。

  • So much so that the total intake of caffeine appears to be related to sleep problems, according to a new study by the University of Nebraska Medical Center.


  • An NGO reported that one reeducation center was so crowded that prisoners were forced to sleep on top of each other or sitting up.


  • Better, says sleep researcher James Wyatt of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, to consume a little caffeine in the morning and continue to take it in very small doses throughout the day.

    更好的消息,则来自芝加哥拉什大学医药中心的睡眠研究人员James Wyatt,他发现早上少喝一点咖啡因,然后白天持续饮用很小剂量,这样就可以均匀地抵抗腺苷酸的摄入。

  • Dr James Wyatt, Sleep Clinician, Rush University medical Center: "What are the activities people are doing in that hour beforebefore bedtime, and do those those predict next-day consequences?

    詹姆斯·怀亚特是拉什大学医疗中心的睡眠医生 ,他说:“睡觉前一个小时人们在做什么活动及这些活动能否预测第二天的结果。”

  • According to Carl E. Hunt, director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research in Bethesda, Maryland, most people do not allow themselves sufficient deceleration2.


  • Scientists conducted a study at the University of Minnesota and MinneapolisVeterans Affairs Medical Center. They found that foods high in fat may decreasethe quality of sleep in humans.


  • "If you're trying to alter your natural body rhythm, we don't adjust perfectly to that," said Dr. Nancy Collop, director of Emory Clinic Sleep Disorders Center.


  • One went to STU arts education center, I collapsed, and only a stool without a table, want to sleep all difficulty, .

    一去到STU 艺术教育中心,我崩溃了,只有凳子没有桌子,想睡觉都难啊。

  • These irradiations may stimulate the nerve center, affects sleep, and cause hypertension sickness.


  • There was a royal bed of carved wood with gold curtains in the center of the room. And on it, deep in sleep, lay Sleeping Beauty!


  • Leads the sleep meter monitor to be possible to be clear about the sleep apnea is the main center or limits fills.


  • Phyllis Zee, MD, senior author and director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Northwestern Medicine, says the study is important because it is relevant to "a huge proportion of the population."

    西北大学医学院睡眠障碍中心主要发起者或主任Phyllis Zee医学博士说这项研究是重要的,因为它与“一个庞大的人群”相关联。

  • Stephen L. Duntley, M. D., associate professor of neurology and director of the Washington University Sleep Medicine Center, is a frequent research collaborator with Shaw.


  • "Sleep may be essential for life," says Jerry Siegel, a neuroscientist at UCLA's Center for Sleep Research. "It's certainly essential for optimum brain function."
