Other items included a Lapita burial urn with modeled birds arranged on the rim as though peering down at the human remains sealed inside.
Afterward, I take the urn with me.
The SOAP service ID is urn: uddisearch-service.
SOAP服务id为urn: uddisearch - service。
The service URN uniquely identifies the service.
服务 URN 唯一地标识服务。
Go back and get an urn the size of a bowling ball.
URN: SERVICE-URN is the name of the service deployed.
SERVICE - URN是被部署服务的名称。
A photograph of my mother sits on an easel next to the urn.
Sadly, nobody’s going to be carrying this guy around in a glass urn).
Set the target URN, method name, and parameters of the first service.
设置第一个服务的目标 URN、方法名和参数。
Use a Uniform Resource Name (URN -- see Resources) rather than a URL.
使用统一资源名(URN——参见 参考资料)而不是 URL。
I carry the urn over to the rocks and sit down, balancing it beside me.
His contact data is associated with the urn: XMLNS: saracco-sample: company1.0 namespace.
他的联系方式数据与名称空间urn: xmlns: saracco - sample: company1.0相关联。
The result URN for this recipe, where the contents of the output for this recipe are stored.
His cabin didn't have a shower but he heated up a large urn of water on a stove. It sufficed.
There you are, in the coffin, or in an urn, your body reduced to a husk of meant-to-be’s.
Farmers who had the deceased cremated still want to bury the urn in land near their homes.
A Uniform resource name (URN) is a URI that identifies a resource by name in a particular namespace.
On the server side the URN is extracted and used to look up the class that should receive the request.
在服务器端,URN 被抽取出来并用来查找应接收该请求的类。
In this case, you use the function urn: oasis: names: tc: xacml: 1.0: function: string-one-and-only.
该例中使用函数urn: oasis: names: tc: xacml: 1.0: function: string - one - and - only。
Thus encoded, you might name "today's local weather" as: urn: uuid: 4930fce0-2eda-4f6b-9eaa-fe426fefc655.
因此,“今天的本地天气”可以表示为:urn: uuid: 4930fce0 - 2eda - 4f 6 b - 9eaa - fe426fefc655。
Thus, this query declares the namespace for urn: XMLNS: saracco-sample: company1.0 twice in this example.
因此,在这个例子中,该查询在两个地方为urn: xmlns: saracco - sample: company1.0声明了名称空间。
If a family wants the cell phone with a person who’s being cremated, I’ll put it in the urn afterwards.
If we had set up our Join Scheme as urn: EID, then we would define the following Categories for our entries.
如果我们将Join Scheme设定为urn: EID,那么条目类别定义如下。
In the festival.xml file, modify the repository URN and license server host information, as shown in Figure 9.
在festival . xml文件之中,编辑存储库urn和许可服务器主机信息,如图9所示。
A representation of this media type contains a status document described in the namespace urn: org: bank: transfer.
这个媒体类型的表示包含了在urn: or g: bank: transfer名字空间内声明的status文档。
A representation of this media type contains a customer document described in the namespace urn: org: bank: customer.
这个媒体类型的表示包含了在urn: or g: bank: customer名字空间内声明的customer文档。
A representation of this media type contains a transfer document declared in the namespace urn: org: bank: accounts.
这个媒体类型的表示包含了在urn: or g: bank: accounts名字空间内声明的transfer文档。
She wanted to be cremated and chose for her funeral urn a garden birdbath;the support column would contain her ashes.
She wanted to be cremated and chose for her funeral urn a garden birdbath; the support column would contain her ashes.
If you don't wish to use URLs, use URNs if your organization has a means of managing and resolving a suitable class of URN.