When cooked, this meat lacks the juiciness of normal meat.
Marbling has a beneficial effect on juiciness and flavour of meat.
Meat aging can increase water retention and therefore increases juiciness.
Juiciness increases flavour, helps soften meat - making it easier to chew, and stimulates saliva production in the mouth.
Meat marbling is related to its flavour, juiciness and tenderness, and directly related to the intramuscular fat content.
Maybe then the metaphor “I am a thousand candles lighting the way” helps keep the juiciness of the purpose alive and resonant as it fuels their work.
The fatty cells of adipose tissue, needed for juiciness, are grown separately and then combined with the muscle cells before the whole thing is cooked.
Pork eating quality is mostly linked with the overall acceptance, juiciness and tenderness, with tenderness being considered the most important feature of consumer satisfaction.
Therefore, the results show that the meat with the highest intramuscular fat content (marbling) had higher overall acceptability scores, as well as tenderness and juiciness scores.
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