1 词典释义:
ramps up
时间: 2024-12-18 21:31:08

vphr. 增加;提高;加强;上升;逐步增加规模;扩大生产;逐步增加速度;增速;(ramp up的第三人称单数)

  • Even time with strangers ramps up your sense of well-being, says Kashdan.


  • But he expects costs will fall as production of solar-cooling equipment ramps up.


  • During REM sleep, dream activity ramps up and the voluntary muscles ofthe body become immobile.


  • Physics is becoming ever more exciting as Cern's Large Hadron Collider ramps up the energy of its colliding particles.


  • And it's getting worse, some educators say, as China's exam-focused system ramps up the pressure, even on preschoolers.


  • But a better idea should be forthcoming as testing ramps up, and health authorities get a clearer picture of the ratio of deaths to those infected.


  • This leads into somewhat of a new shoulder strap design that secures using tri-glides and ramps up in size from 1" connection points to a 2" shoulder pad area.


  • According to the Daily Mail, Ferrari says the technology could double the cost of the 599, but Maranello hopes to bring those costs under control as it ramps up production.

    《每日邮报》披露,法拉利公司称如果在599 GTB上采用这项技术,那么成本就会加倍,但该公司希望随着技术运用于生产,成本能得到控制。

  • In aggressive gliomas, extra copies of the EGFR gene are produced, and half of such tumors also carry an EGFR mutation, which ramps up tumor growth and portends a poor prognosis.


  • Meanwhile, the LHC is still operating at only half of its maximum energy, and the ALICE team expects to create even denser forms of quark-gluon plasma as the machine ramps up in the future.


  • They all chimed in that they had called me numerous times and even ventured up a couple ramps but couldn't find me.


  • The pavilion is a double spiral with pedestrian and cycling lanes that takes the visitors from the ground through two ramps, up to a level of 12 meters, and down again.


  • Drivers underwent rigorous training that involved sitting in wheelchairs themselves and pushing their way up ramps and into buses.


  • As the wool is transported up these ramps any droplets of water attached to it will be shaken off.


  • Inside the museum, a red curving staircase and a series of ramps guide visitors up through the three-storey entrance lobby to a series of voluminous galleries featuring educational exhibits.


  • To raise the stones to the top of the pyramid, they built long ramps of dirt and then rolled the stones up them.


  • I became a bridge deck specialist and carried steel up construction ramps for 18 months-and all the time my father's words were eating at me.


  • The meeters and greeters hall is a light filled animated space with departing ramps over and views directly up to the linear roof.


  • There are no vertical guides or CAM ramps used for positioning, and no slides or bearings used in its construction, making the Pop-up Transfer Conveyor simple to maintain.
