Shutting off of senses of taste, smell and touch.
These complexes control the activity of DNA by shutting off certain genes.
That means switching on the telephone answering machine and shutting off the television.
The record player is set on automatic and will play several records before shutting off.
The minute they started the test by shutting off the steam valves, their fate was sealed.
For I was very busy at that time, I just went out to bring vegetables without shutting off the stove.
It then loops 20,000 times before shutting off (or until the user closes the window or goes to another page).
Researchers at the Davis Station, in Antarctica, also joined the campaign - shutting off lights at the base.
There was a lawn, and flower-beds, and at the boundary an iron fence shutting off the little field or park.
You don’t need to be perfect at shutting off work or being present or pouring yourself into something after work.
H560G protects your tank and internal piping by shutting off automatically when water pressure reaches the setting.
当水压达到设置值时,H560 G通过自动关闭来保护用户的容器和内部管道。
Researchers say that those extra copies change the chromosome's structure, shutting off the whole region so it cannot be used.
The aim is to produce an automaton that could help people do difficult jobs underwater-shutting off leaking oil valves, for example.
Shutting off unneeded services creates a more secure environment with fewer applications and services for potential intruders to poke at.
This allows conservation of feed water stocks and maintain output power to specification by shutting off one or more feed-nozzle sections under light loads.
For use with the high temperature pipeline in metallurgy, mine, cement, petrochemical industry and power plant etc. as shutting off and regulating equipment.
Motor boats in those days didn't have clutches, and you would make a landing by shutting off the motor at the proper time and coasting in with a dead rudder.
E-ink mode extends battery life by shutting off the backlight, and is intended for reading e-books, documents, Web sites or blogs and other text-based material.
Needle valves are a small (usually 1 inch or less), simple, and rugged means of throttling and shutting off extremely high pressures compared with other valves.
He attributes that to shutting off his phone as soon as he gets home so he can enjoy activities with her and their children — instead of checking E-mail poolside.
They arenwoult nearly as powerful as much know that…with the stroke of a pen we can eliminhadvertisements 15% – 20% of their economy by shutting off our markets.
It is used for shutting off high pressure pipeline. When faults happening in high pressure pipeline, this valve can immediately shutting off high pressure pipeline.
'The Chinese economy is like a car with no brake, ' says Columbia University economist Xiao Geng in Beijing. 'You go fast by adding gas. You stop by shutting off the gas.
哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)驻北京经济学家肖耿说,中国经济就像一辆没有刹车的汽车,加油就跑得快,关掉油门就停下来。
If the elderly person was a little forgetful, the smart home would perform tasks such as shutting off the water before a tub overflowed or turning off the oven if the cook had wandered away.
Since oxygen is nonflammable but supports combustion, fire-fighting actions require shutting off the source of oxygen, if possible, then fighting the fire according to the material involved.