1 词典释义:
legal capital
时间: 2025-02-09 08:29:26


  • There are three capital systems in the world: legal capital system , accredit capital system, compromise capital system.


  • The chapter plan to come out such a fact: our legal capital system unduly control, lack efficiency and international competition.


  • At present there is still a necessity for our country to put legal capital system in force because of various factors' influences.


  • In legal capital system, the capital of many corporations, however, is under the bottom line or less than their registered capital.


  • The essay researches on reducing the minimum quota of legal capital which should be put into practice in the establishment of company in China.


  • An enterprise shall trust, under law, a legal capital verification institution to verify the raised capital and issue a report on capital verification.


  • Current all countries company capital system primarily contain three kinds of modes: Then legal capital system, authorization capital system with compromise the capital system.


  • There are three capital systems in the world: legal capital system, accrediting capital system and compromise capital system. They have their own advantages and disadvantages respectively.


  • The Asian tiger might have lots of capital to invest abroad, but given its shortage of managerial and legal expertise, China is still learning how to maneuver its way through the American marketplace.


  • We should institutionalize employer fines, finish the fence—and predicate legal entry into the US not on race, nearness to the border, or the number of relatives in America, but on skills and capital.

    我们需要制定法规,对违法用工的雇主罚款,加强边境守护。 我们不能够因为某人种族关系、区域近缘关系或在美亲属数量而给予其合法移民地位,而是要视其所能带来的技术和资本而定。

  • "Under Kenyan domestic law, there is no entitlement to legal aid for anybody who is not accused of a capital offense," said Singh. "So, suspected pirates have no opportunity to have a lawyer."


  • Reduce the capital adequacy ratio for branches or at least allow calculation on a consolidated basis for all Chinese branches of a same foreign legal entity.


  • Most people would say capital punishment isn't murder because murder is illegal killing whereas capital punishment is legal killing. - judicial killing.


  • Certainly, the investment of labor capital should be put under the legal regulation to realize the best operation of legalization.


  • Example B: "Capital Punishment Should Be Legal".


  • Here analyse the human capital as a system essential and probe its effect on the structure of property right? The structure of legal person management and Business culture.


  • Do not have business with a company who has not been injected registered capital fully or has not finished renewal, otherwise the legal risk is very high.


  • The part retained in the enterprise out of the legal accumulation funds after converting into increased capital shall not be less than 25% of the registered capital before the conversion.


  • There are some different knowledge views of curriculum in history, such as regarding curriculum knowledge as institutional knowledge, as cultural capital, and as legal culture, etc.
