No one starved, there was no mass outbreak of disease, people received medical attention.
On seedling stage, an outbreak of disease can cause a large portion of seedlings death.
But Cox says he knows of no connection between the rats in Tanzania and the outbreak of disease in the US.
It may repeat the kinds of measures it imposed in 2008, when food inflation topped 23% after an outbreak of disease killed many of China's pigs.
Officials overseeing relief efforts in Pakistan say an outbreak of disease is presenting a new threat to flood victims as they brace for more rain.
Its first appearance in humans was in 1952 in Uganda and Tanzania, and the first large outbreak of disease was in 2007 on Yap Island in Micronesia.
The gypsy moth is also subject to attack by the nucleopolyhedrosis virus, or wilt disease, a particularly important killer of the caterpillars in outbreak years.
Tracking the spread of a disease is an important step in stopping its outbreak.
A pandemic is an outbreak of a new infectious disease, which causes serious illness and spreads widely from person to person across more than one geographical region.
Rumors of a disease outbreak a century ago probably would have left the general populace feeling frightened, wondering whether their town would be the next to be hit.
Updated information on the evolution of this outbreak can be found at the WHO disease outbreak news site.
A disease outbreak early warning system is active and, as yet, no outbreaks of diseases have been confirmed, however concern of the disease outbreaks remains high.
He said that parents who refuse vaccines tend to cluster together in certain areas — increasing the risk of a local disease outbreak, even in kids who have been vaccinated.
To date, the Ministry of Health in China has reported 206 cases of human disease associated with an outbreak of Streptococcus suis in pigs.
迄今为止,中国卫生部已报告与 猪链球菌暴发有关的206例人感染猪链球菌病病例。
In the event of an outbreak, this technology could facilitate rapid containment of the disease.
The outbreak of the highly infectious disease killed three villagers around Ziketan Town in Qinghai province.
Global health officials already struggle to separate the noise from the truth; for every actual outbreak of a new disease, there are countless false or overstated reports.
Long called the "Forest City," Portland maintains at least 20, 000 trees today, including about a hundred elm trees that survived a 1960s outbreak of Dutch elm disease.
As of 29 November 2007, 468 confirmed cases of bromide poisoning have been identified in the ongoing outbreak of a neurological disease in the Cacuaco municipality, Luanda Province, Angola.
Long called the forest City,? Portland maintains at least 20, 000 trees today, including about a hundred elm trees that survived a 1960s outbreak of Dutch elm disease.
The first known outbreak of Legionnaires' disease was in Philadelphia, USA, in 1976.
This is the largest number of fatalities ever recorded during an outbreak of this rare, but extremely severe disease.
Nor were there any indications of a sudden disease outbreak.
A vaccination campaign targeting 99 400 people is being prepared and will be synchronized with Uganda, which is currently experiencing an outbreak of meningococcal disease in the neighbouring area.
正在准备开展以99 400人为目标的疫苗接种运动,将与目前在临近地区正经历脑膜炎球菌病暴发的乌干达同步开展运动。
Hendra virus was first recognized in 1994 during an outbreak of acute respiratory disease among 21 horses in Australia.
Public understanding of the disease and participation in the outbreak response remain the most important factors influencing successful control.