1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-24 11:58:48
英 [,iɛks'ti]
美 [,iɛks'ti]

abbr. 外面的(exterior的简写)

  • Using existing Ext JS plug-ins.

    使用已有Ext JS插件。



  • Ext JS provides excellent performance.

    Ext JS提供出色的性能。

  • Extract this zip file to c: \ PHP \ ext.

    将此z ip文件解压缩到c: \ php \ ext。

  • Never put anything in jre \ lib \ ext.

    不要在jre \ lib \ ext内放任何东西。

  • Build rich Internet applications with Ext js.

    用Ext JS构建富因特网应用程序。

  • Is Ext JS suitable for mobile web applications?

    Ext JS适合移动web应用吗?

  • Update the ibm-web-ext. xmi file for the WPS.

    更新wps . war的ibm - web - ext . xmi文件。

  • Ext can definitely be used as a stand-alone framework.


  • The EXT 3 file system was used on Linux for zSeries.

    EXT 3 文件系统用于 zSeries 上的 Linux。

  • Supports the SSH, pserver, and ext connection methods.


  • First you need to configure the application to use Ext GWT.

    您首先需要将应用程序配置为可以使用Ext GWT。

  • Copy this file and paste it into the folder C: \ PHP \ ext.

    复制该文件并将其粘贴到文件夹c: \ php \ ext。

  • Another big and completely new feature to Ext JS is charting.

    Ext JS中另一个大的全新特性就是图表。

  • The ext-all.js file includes the entire ext js framework.

    ext - all . js包含整个ext js框架。

  • The extension starts with a period (.) (for example,.ext).

    扩展名以句点(.)开头(例如. ext)。

  • In this section, you will learn how to build ext JS extensions.

    在这一小节,您将学习如何构建Ext JS扩展。

  • Ext JS keeps its promise with an easy-to-use development model.

    Ext JS通过一个易用的开发模型实现了它的承诺。

  • In this section, you will learn how to build an Ext JS plug-in.

    在本小节,我们将学习如何构建一个Ext JS插件。

  • Should you have any queries, please contact (023) 63736888 ext.

    如果您有任何疑问,请致电(023)63736888 ext。

  • The final step is to rename the directory from ext-3.x.x to ext.

    最后一步为路径重命名,将 ext-3.x.x 改为 ext。

  • Perhaps one of the most powerful Ext JS UI elements is the grid control.

    最强大的Ext JS用户界面元素可能是网格控件。

  • It also examines the proper ways to customize or extend ext widgets.


  • Ext JS provides you with a rich set of tools to create interactive forms.

    Ext JS提供一组用来创建交互式表单的工具。

  • This means that Ext GWT is configured, and you can use Ext's widgets.

    这意味着已经配置了 Ext GWT,因此可以使用 Ext 的小部件。

  • A Grid in Ext needs two basic things: column definitions and a data store.


  • It was the reason that I started gwt-ext a while ago when ext was LGPL.

    这也是在ext还是LGPL的时候,我启动gwt - ext的原因。

  • You could even replace the search form widgets with more widgets from Ext.
