The question about the rate of evolution must now be turned around: does evolution ever proceed gradually, or does it always occur in short bursts?
Stories can be real or made up, can be long or short, and can be about any subject.
It may be a mark of how commonplace fertility treatment has become in such a short time that nobody in this country really talks about test-tube babies anymore.
If the tests are successful, the next step will be a short flight, or "flea hop" in about two weeks' time.
It should be short and snappy, and no more than about 30 characters long (the width of a single column of text on a standard Economist page, including Spaces).
Given that this was just a short interview, the details about this plan are more than vague, and it would be interesting to know what kind of data Mint might be planning to sell.
To decide what the alternate text should be, think about what information the image conveys, and then describe this in a short phrase.
They also say this argument should not be just about short-term efficacy, but morality as well.
The key point to understand, though, is that guesses about the likelihood of this event should be based on global growth assumptions and not short-term worry about some bad headlines in China.
Treatment decisions have to be made reflecting both long and short-term considerations to benefit both mother and child, as discussed in our page about HIV and pregnancy.
My conclusion is that QE2 may be a short-term expansionary force, thereby lessening concerns about deflation.
Despite their bad name, stereotypes can be handy short cuts that give us useful information about the world and other people.
In short, the developers should know what needs to be deployed, they should not bother about or be able to specify how.
Mr Netanyahu, in short, appears to be a rare Israeli leader-one who has just about enough backing to see through a peace agreement.
Finally, while in the short run a global recession will be associated with deflationary forces, some ask whether we should worry about rising inflation in the middle run?
So, expect that things will go wrong but don't focus on short term difficulties that come up. They won't be what you remember about your holiday.
And there are going to be times where short-term interests are going to differ; there's no doubt about it. And protectionism is the classic example.
Today's post was originally going to also be short and sweet, but I found I had a lot more to say about today's particular topic.
“Thinking about short-term regret drives consumers to be virtuous, while thinking about long-term regret leads them to be extravagant, ” the authors write.
Short-term regrets tended to be about things people did -- say, accidentally hitting "reply all" on an email, or forgetting to call Mom on Mother's Day.
短期的后悔常常倾向于人们做过的事情-- 比如, 一不小心点错了把某封邮件回复给所有的了, 或者是在母亲节那天忘记给妈妈打电话祝福了。
There will be no progress on solving the country's medium-term budget mess, even as concerns about the deficit forestall any short-term measures to boost employment or prop up demand.
It should be short and snappy, and no more than about 40 characters long (the width of a single column of text on a standard Economist page).
The captions should be as short and snappy as possible, and definitely no more than about 30 characters long.
But I'm not going to fall into the trap of talking about how things used to be, especially after living here such a short time.
But if the correction is indeed over (see this post) and the rally resumes, then I think the time to be adding new positions to take advantage of the short-term bull is just about over.
It is also about knowing when estimates are way too low and that something will not be finished in the ridiculously short time your project has scheduled.
So far this World Cup is too short on star quality for anyone to want Spain to be ejected just so it offers something to giggle about in the pub.
At the same time, your legacy could simply be about having made quite a few people happy for a short time.