What happens when you ask Quora that same question?
I've been on Quora for a few days now and have tested it so to say.
The pace questions get asked, answered, liked etc. is too fast on Quora.
Question and answer site Quora posted: 'We'll be back shortly, we hope.
More recently, somebody on Quora wondered why Gameloft doesn't get sued.
The fact that Quora is able to foster such an environment continues to fascinate me.
Google is all about saving time, so why not just buy Quora and bake this into results?
Quora, which still has fewer than 20 employees, didn't respond to requests for an interview.
Yet Brown believes Quora could still reshape the Web without becoming a blockbuster to rival Yahoo Answers.
A most vexing question: Q&A site Quora was ironically left with the greatest puzzle of all - why its site was down
最恼火的问题: 问答网站Quora令人讽刺地给大家留下一个最大的谜题——为什么这个网站宕掉了?
Quora, a social Q&A site that is a whole lot of fun to use and a great place to learn things trivial or useful.
Quora represents a bigger technology trend, which is the layering of an interest graph on top of people's social graph.
Quora: Although different to Yahoo Answers, which it replaced, Quora is now the Q&A platform everybody is talking about.
To minimize that decline, Quora will have to shift the core of its efforts from engineering to moderation, says Burbidge.
In fact, the brilliant ochre tint comes from an extremely salty sub-glacial lake, explains Quora user Aditya Bhardwaj.
Kommons's founder, Brown, also doubts that Quora can gain a lot of users and still maintain its current level of quality.
That will start to change in 2011, which I believe will be the year Quora has its Twitter moment and start to really take off.
Sites like Quora and Reddit were able to come back online in "read-only" mode, but users couldn't post new content for many hours.
He has invested some of his own money and Benchmark's in several companies founded by former colleagues, including Quora and Asana.
Before new users can post a question, for example, they must take a quiz on what makes an "appropriate" style for a question on Quora.
As Quora is so popular among early adopters now I'd like to compare them with Quora. Does Quora have the same or other advantages?
After recreating my online social network ( largely based on blogs from early 2000) in Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and Quora, G+ was a chore.
我一遍又一遍在一众网站上建立着自己的在线社交网络(大都基于我自2000初开始所写的博客):Facebook、Twitter、Foursqure、Quora,现在又有一个G+。 这真是个费劲的差事。
Quora does not display just static web pages. Each page will update will new content as questions, answers and comments are submitted by other others.
We browsed Reddit and Quora threads on overcoming laziness and pulled out the easiest ways to set yourself on a path toward greater productivity.
懒惰可能催生出实用的捷径和发明。 因此,找出你最想偷懒的事情,然后想一个更容易的解决方法。 这样你的懒惰一下子就变成了创造力。
His first question on the site, posted a year ago, asked how Quora would scale beyond being just a "nerd party" (edits by other users later removed this phrase).
Being a native Chinese, Quora is an interesting platform as I always notice odd and old-fashioned questions and misunderstandings about China posed by foreigners.
Much like topics in Quora, activities in Teambox can be followed by users who need to stay updated, publish updates to their team or view the related stream of information.
But Amazon's much-vaunted cloud network took a big hit yesterday when it crashed, taking a host of web 2.0 companies - including Reddit, Quora, and Hootsuite - down with it.
但是,亚马逊引以为豪的云网络昨天大受打击,网络崩溃,导致许多web 2.0公司也跟着受累,包括Reddit、Quora及Hootsuite在内。