1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-18 12:05:39
英 [sæb]


  • You should see the same data that you entered in the SAB application.


  • Wabi sab I expresses a profound love of life through sorrowfully recognizing its fleeting nature.


  • The results show that the retanning agent SAB can fill leather to a certain degree, has good synergistic effect with dyestuff and oil.

    结果表明:SAB复鞣剂具有一定的填充作用,与染料、 油脂的协同作用好;

  • MethodsThe personality, social adaptive behavior, coping style of 56 children with asthma were measured by means of EPQ, SAB and CSQ scales.

    方法采用EPQ、SAB、CS Q量表,对56例哮喘儿童及对照进行个性、适应行为及应付方式的心理测试。

  • Conclusion SAB can protect cells from injury of glucose deprivation and the mechanism is related with its effect of mediating cellular calcium ion.


  • The company agrees with the SAB that the Agency should continue to work to strengthen its risk assessment by incorporating additional data as it becomes available.


  • The results showed: (1) SAB 3 had the characters of strong root system, dark green leaves, high yield potential, good resistance and longer stage of vegetative growth.

    结果表明:(1) SAB- 3根系发达,叶色深绿,丰产性好,抗性强,营养生长期较长;