1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-12-11 09:14:43
英 ['θrifts]
美 ['θrifts]

n. 节俭;(thrift的复数)

  • Most investors accept that banks, unlike thrifts, are out of bounds to lone buyers.


  • Early TCScustom came from thrifts and insurers looking to update their systems cheaply.


  • Between 1980 and 1994 almost 1,300 specialised mortgage lenders, known as thrifts, failed.


  • The Office of thrift Supervision viewed its role as supervising thrifts, not their holding companies (such as AIG).


  • But a bust would still be painful: more than 1,500 of the country's Banks and thrifts specialise in agriculture lending.


  • But a bust would still be painful: more than 1, 500 of the country's Banks and thrifts specialise in agriculture lending.


  • And regulators permitted Banks and thrifts themselves to engage in risky mortgage lending, stepping in with guidance only when it was too late.


  • Around the same time, America created the Resolution Trust Corporation to sell off the loans and underlying collateral of hundreds of failed savings Banks, or thrifts.


  • Rep. Frank is looking at whether to create an analog to the Resolution Trust Corp., which took assets from failed banks and thrifts and found buyers over several years.


  • Mr Greenspan’s model is the Resolution Trust Corporation (on whose board he served), created in 1989 to take over failing thrifts, sell their assets, then close itself down.

    格林斯潘的模型就是美国清债信托公司的模型(他是其董事会成员)。 该公司建立于1989年,目的是接管经营不善的企业,变卖其资产并将其关闭。

  • Private-sector predictions of the pain to come are getting darker by the day: Weiss Research reckons that more than 1,600 American banks and thrifts, with $3.2 trillion of assets, are at risk.

    私人部门对即将来临痛苦的预测也更加悲观了:研究机构Weiss Research认为超过1 600的美国银行和储蓄机构和32 000亿美金的资产正处在风险之中。