I must turn on the closed captioning.
The site also supports dynamic captioning of photos by visitors.
In fact, image captioning has been made default feature, and always turned on or enabled.
Note: The closed captioning check boxes are greyed out if you the slide does not contain an audio.
注: 如果你的幻灯片不包含声音,则隐藏式字幕复选框是灰的。
If you're hard of hearing, or just want to mute the volume on a show, Close Captioning is available as well.
Photo management includes automatic thumbnail creation, image resizing, rotation, ordering, captioning, searching and more.
The services provides transcription services, translation and captioning services for everyone, from individuals needing one-time services to the world's largest companies.
Google video was first launched in 2005 as a search service for television content because TV close-captioning made search possible and user-generated video had yet to take off.
2005年首次推出Google Video,一开始只是用来搜索电视内容,电视字幕功能使得这种搜索是可能的,当时个人视频还没兴起。
It's still the largest of all the video websites, with around 80 million U.S. visitors alone, and it has been pushing out great innovations like HD video and in-video captioning.
The wall display can also provide captions for display-over images and Swing components, allowing for a form of closed captioning (for example, to display any spoken speech output).
Although the event, which featured a well known political figure as the speaker, provided an American Sign Language interpreter, there were neither assistive listening devices nor captioning.