No doubt it is the fate of all cutting-edge technology to eventually turn blunt, dull and outmoded, but that is a concern for another day, another era.
Though a member of the High Council since the age of 28, this did not dull Windu's fighting edge or his willingness to venture forth on dangerous missions.
Dark in life of dull life, forget all the hate, just can't put you in the heart... Such a wonderful edge of the event, let me frivolous face let me not to treasure.
Here's your chance to get an edge on those thousands of dull applications that all look alike and that the deans fall asleep reading.
Openings edge of Death's constant dripping of water, along the shed door profiles, import dull the springs, it sound like a dead-ming sob's crooning, empty reverberating here.
The edge of this knife is too dull to cut the bread.