You create the util package, along with classes in it.
You will see a script named BaseCase and a folder named util.
People don't think about their options util it's too late.
Don't wait to know the value of friends util you have felt lonely.
The util-linux-ng package includes Linux fdisk, sfdisk, and cfdisk.
ut il - linux - ng包含有linux fdisk、sfdisk和cfdisk。
He had been chipping away at the problem util it was solved completely.
recombine() uses the List::Util shuffle() function to shuffle the parent population.
recombine() 使用 List::Util shuffle() 函数来随机组合亲本种群。
This procedure call stores all objects in the schema "UTIL" in the directory D:\TEMP\UTIL_SCHEMA\.
这个过程调用将模式 "UTIL" 中的所有对象存储在目录 D:\TEMP\UTIL_SCHEMA\ 中。
In the layered system, higher layers, such as application, can depend on any lower layer, such as util.
This custom constraint extends the RDL language, and is part of the util extension shipped with MTF.
这一用户限制扩展了RDL语言,是MTF附带的ut il扩展的一部分。
Xerces-C++ uses a number of predefined symbols that are defined in the header file, xercesc/util/XMLUni.hpp.
Xerces-C++ 使用许多在头文件 xercesc/util/XMLUni.hpp 中定义的预定义符号。
Through util-linux-ng 2.17, fdisk does not offer any direct support for 8-sector alignment of partitions.
通过ut il - linux - ng 2.17, fdisk对分区的8扇区对齐不提供任何直接支持。
Then I choose cells with choose_tile(). The order of tile picking is random, using List::Util::shuffle() again.
选择块的顺序是随机的, 再次使用了 List::Util::shuffle()。
You can select the first HBA port, which will bring you to the Fast! UTIL Options page, shown in Figure 10.
您可以首先选择hba端口,然后将出现Fast ! UT IL Options页面,如图10所示。
In the main, a few techniques for containing pollution and some new systems for the exploitation and util...
Util contains a testing harness for Dojo and can be used to test the widgets that are provided with the toolkit.
Ut il包含了Dojo中的测试工具,可以用于测试工具箱中提供的小部件。
Make a very simple-named global method holder class (i. e. Util) and just prefix your methods with this hold name.
The response file is named rad_response.txt and is located in the \ disk1 \ util directory of the installation image.
响应文件名为rad _ response . txt并且位于安装镜像的\ disk1 \ ut il目录中。
Util contains a testing harness for Dojo and can be used to test the widgets that are provided with the Dojo Toolkit.
Ut il包含Dojo的测试工具,可用于测试Dojo Toolkit提供的小部件。
This isn't a surprise because the web, dao, util, and FRMWRK packages would all expect to utilize a common exception framework.
Stay in a lower gear than you would cru ise at, that way you can util ise the engine braking to help you stop quickly if you need to.
We need to create a bridge network, so we need to install the bridge-util package in the software management section of the operating system.
我们需要创建一个桥接网络,因此我们需要在操作系统的软件管理部分安装bridge - util包。
The shortcut "location" should be similar to the following: c: \ SSVNC \ Windows \ util \ pageant.exe c: \ SSVNC \ Windows \ certs \ -id_rsa.ppk.
快捷方式的“ location ”应该与c: \ ssvnc \ Windows \ ut il \ pageant . exe c: \ ssvnc \ Windows \ certs \ - id_rsa . ppk相似。
Util — Utility classes for such tasks as string manipulation, cookie management, data manipulation, deferred action support, and callback support.
ut il—字符串操作、cookie管理、数据操作、延迟动作支持和回调支持等任务的实用程序类。
The sample response file, called responsefile.txt, is located in the \ disk1 \ util directory in the directory containing your installation image.
示例响应文件,名为responsefile . txt,是在包含安装镜像的目录中的\ disk1 \ ut il目录中。
You also need to import the ecore, ws, and util utility packages, used to load the models (as explained in the next step) and import special constructs.
你还需要导入ecore, ws和ut il实用程序包,它们被用来加载模型(将在下一步中作解释)并导入特殊结构。
We define a simple responder class, TokenResponder, that implements the IResponder Interface (see the code sample, TODOListFlex \ SRC \ util \
我们定义了一个简单的responder类tokenresponder,它能实现IResponder Interface(参见代码示例,TODOListFlex \ src \ ut il \ TokenResponder . as)。
The fdisk family, which ships as part of the util-linux-ng package on most distributions, enables fairly direct editing of MBR data structures, but it cannot create or modify file systems.
fdisk 系列是大多数 util-linux-ng 分发包附带的一部分,支持直接编辑 MBR 数据结构,但它不能创建或修改文件系统。
The script command is installed by default on most UNIX and Linux systems, and is part of the bsdutils package on Linux systems, which is itself part of the util-linux package on Linux systems.
script命令默认安装在大多数UNIX和linux系统上,是linux系统上bsdutils包的一部分,而bsdutils包本身又是linux系统上util - linux包的一部分。