For all the uproar over "Breaking News," I thought it was a pretty bold statement out of the gate in terms of lyrical target.
Breaking News: Obama To Visit Canada Feb. 19th.
France 24 can be slow to react to breaking news.
More breaking news: they also find it harder to quit.
The Mainstream Media Can No Longer Be in the Breaking News Business
How can people who cover breaking news for a living begin to compete?
AllVoices; Breaking News, Current Events, Latest News and World Events.
Although it can be updated to take in breaking news, it is primarily a daily, not an hourly.
Read all about it in Dredging Today (“The industry’s ground-breaking news provider”, groan.)
They don't care who (US President) Barack Obama is or what is the breaking news of the moment.
Mr Novak's great claim to fame was that every column that he wrote included some breaking news.
He wanted to ask reporters accompanying the prime minister their thoughts on some breaking news.
Joab Jackson covers enterprise software and general technology breaking news for The IDG news Service.
Scheduled TV will go away for everything except live events like breaking news, sports, and award shows.
Strawberries are good for your brain, according to breaking news out of the 2009 Berry Health Symposium.
If there's breaking news I care about, I check back with sites I consider authoritative or at least reliable.
The pros who deal in breaking news have a problem:They can’t possibly compete in the mediasphere of the future.
For more information and late-breaking news check in to their VLP twitter page every so often or their website.
Charged with translating "breaking news" last year, one came up with the snappy information DE derniere minute.
去年,针对breaking news一词的翻译问题,一帮精力过剩的人还成立了一个新的协会:information de derniere minute。
“Breaking news is very, very expensive and if they have the resources to spend on it, we welcome them to the game, ” he added.
“报道突发新闻的成本非常,非常高,如果他们有这个资源投入进来,那我们欢迎他们加入游戏。” 他补充道。
Tens of millions of people are also getting breaking news on their weibo account and then reposting it to their own followers.
Breaking news goes from being unknown to widely known so quickly that there is no longer any chance to misappropriate its value.
FastSOA may federate news analysis articles published on a Web site with late breaking news stories from several RSS feeds.
FastSOA可以通过RSS feeds把发表在一个网站上的新闻评论文章和刚刚发生的新闻故事关联起来。
Here users can conveniently and quickly get the latest breaking news and most interesting stuff by publishing and forwarding.
It has become an invaluable tool for spreading breaking news and played a major role in the recent uprisings in the Middle East.
Top of the list is @mashable, from the social-media news blog Mashable, followed by @cnnbrk, breaking news from the CNN network.
They tend to operate on a hair trigger so they can profit from breaking news before other investors act and wipe out their advantage.
Sure, in their Mr Spock mode traders scour the horizon for hard-nosed data, read their analysts’ reports and digest breaking news.
Reporters are using smartphones to take photographs and video and file breaking news, while also working on longer-term feature stories.