A company encourages one to take a risk that will provide incentive for hard work.
One of the most important things you can do is provide incentive for contributors to join in your cause and become vocal advocates, especially if they are influences themselves.
Unfortunately, the current low prices for oil, gas, and coal may provide little incentive for research to find even cheaper substitutes for those fuels.
Carbon credits could provide additional incentive to rebuild fish and whale populations, Pershing says.
The company believes that its new ad network will provide monetary incentive for publishers to have their websites marked up semantically.
When boards provide stock-based incentive compensation, they issue a direct instruction to work first and foremost on raising the stock price from the current level.
The dividends paid by these companies provide a great income stream, and as long as that income stream continues, the family won't have any incentive to sell.
Mr. Hao declined to provide a date for the introduction of a national incentive policy for energy-efficient construction materials and did not specify what materials would qualify.
Retailers have a big incentive to provide recommendations to those users who are "just browsing", to drive them towards a transaction.
Behaviour change is notoriously complex, and for some an incentive can provide an effective nudge that helps them achieve better health.
It’s good, for example, that futures markets provide an incentive to stockpile heating oil before the weather gets cold and stockpile gasoline ahead of the summer driving season.
Zetsche hopes that setting a new deadline for a fuel cell car will provide an incentive for others to start building.
Putting a price on carbon in the United States would provide an incentive for domestic developers to build similar projects here.
Also, manufacturers have little incentive to provide their own sales incentives because inventories are low.
For years New York has subsidised inefficient hospitals and nursing homes through high Medicaid reimbursement rates, providing an incentive to provide unnecessary services.
V CAST Apps could provide a more polished alternative for Verizon users; they could also provide some inspiration and incentive for the minds behind the Android Market to make a better product.
V CAST Apps可以给Verizon用户带来更加精良的选择。他们也能给Android应用市场的管理人员们带来一些灵感和鼓励,以创造出更好的产品。
Have you created incentive programs to reward those who provide energy saving ideas?
Objective to understand the incentive needs of nursing specialist so as to provide proof for training.
You establish some objectives for them, provide some incentive, and try not to direct the detailed way in which they do their work.
There's also an incentive for docs who provide care that meets both quality and efficiency standards.
Organize and operate employee performance evaluation procedures and complete related performance system; provide the incentive plan and specific measurements to complete incentive mechanism.
The companies are preparing to make the debate more focused with plans to provide detailed evidence in support of their central claim: that the main incentive is cost savings.
Higher, more stable prices would provide an incentive for commercial collection.
The stipends also provide a substantial incentive for royals to procreate since the stipends begin at birth.
But as most of them already have the stadiums, there would be less waste-and it would provide even more of an incentive to win.