1 词典释义:
deja vu
时间: 2025-03-10 00:19:48
英 [ˌdeɪʒɑː ˈvuː]
美 [ˈdidʒə ˈvuː]

phr. 似曾相识;既视感;记忆错觉

  • According to Deja Vu, its total users hit l00.


  • Two million used books were sold on the online platform Deja Vu in 2018.

    2018年,在线平台 Deja Vu 卖出了200万本二手书。

  • The problem was solved when she started to sell the used books on an online second hand bookstore Deja Vu.

    她开始在网上二手书店 Deja Vu 出售旧书时,这个问题得到了解决。

  • What a strange feeling of deja vu!


  • This is just deja vu, all over again.


  • Many logos have the feeling of deja vu.


  • As Tom went on, Jack had a growing sense of deja vu.


  • At that place I was puzzled by the sensation of deja vu.


  • I have never really seen you, there was a feeling of deja vu.


  • As I listened to him explain the work, I had a very strong sense of deja vu.


  • For those who know their history, it's deja vu all over again - literally.


  • Sa: : it was a very French deja vu-ishkind of thing. Oui (French for yes).

    格:你是说这是一件离奇的事? ?

  • You should be treated to a bit of deja vu, because it looks just like the screen in Figure 2.

    您应当有一种似曾相识 的感觉,因为它看上去极像 图 2 的屏幕。

  • One deja vu scientist insists that we leave the old explanations of the feeling in the past.


  • Some people say that people have pre-existence, the deja vu of the pre-existence is to see things.


  • This feeling of deja vu, at what time, what place, away from me so close, but also seemed so far away.


  • But as I listened to the dinner debate - over perfectly cooked lamb - there was a surprising sense of deja vu.


  • However, if you replace the word "Japan" with the word "China", Murphy's book creates a powerful sense of deja vu.


  • While these times are scary and strange for many Americans, a number of people in other countries feel a sense of deja vu.


  • In the second or two it took for Logan to reach the ground I had a sense of deja vu, and I immediately knew its source.


  • My experience at sina led to complete deja vu this week, when I read an "exclusive" interview with Zhang by an English newspaper.


  • After delving into some published academic research, I quickly learned that researchers do, in fact, have a more concrete understanding of deja vu.


  • Some people, on visiting the battlefield, have a strong feeling of deja vu, the sensation of being in that spot before, thought its their first time there.


  • To add to the sense of deja vu, property loans have also been bundled into complex financial instruments, known as commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBSs).


  • This can involve sight, sound, taste, smell and other senses-the reason why Funkhouser says the term deja vu (which only refers only to sight) is inadequate.


  • Sometimes I get deja vu in a situation that I definitely haven't been in before, like when I'm traveling somewhere new or doing something for the very first time.
