This article presents a review of the research progresses on its rationals, operating points and complications.
To avoid circularity in the definition, we must be able to characterize the sets of rationals obtainable in this way…
Since Rationals search for knowledge, competence, and eternal truths, when these needs are blocked, they become stressed.
The second of the pure rationals, the NTPI tends towards creating utopian architectures. It does this out of a strong intuition of global truth.
纯理性者的第二种, NTPI倾向于建造乌托邦式建筑。 他们因其强烈的直觉对于“普遍真理”的感知而有此倾向。
One of two pure rationals-this type likes to win. It will usually win long before playing the game, having created and perfected the gaming system.