A quarter of Somali children die before age 5; nearly every public institution has collapsed.
Cost management of military industrial research public institution has been a weak point for a long time.
A woman who ACTS as a supervisor or monitor in a public institution, such as a school, hospital, or prison.
Performance evaluation is always an important aspect and difficulty for human resource management of public institution.
The establishment of effective communication channel and public institution is expected to solve their psychological problem.
An event, usually for the benefit of a charity or public institution, including entertainment and the sale of goods; a bazaar.
Meanwhile, the professionalization of journalism always appeals the media should be the public institution of the whole society.
Therefore, it is the hot issue for not only the performance-based pay reform of public institution, but also the research of experts.
The media, who have the lion's share in creating celebrity, are also the most vociferous public institution in decrying celebrity as trivial and insignificant.
Trusting the market alone to provide all the news coverage we need would mean venturing into the unknown-a risky proposition with a vital public institution hanging in the balance.
Public institution have the characteristics of low energy consumption of individual building but high energy consumption of the whole building, and it has great potentiality of energy saving.
Compare a for-profit college with a public or non-profit institution with similar student backgrounds, and the default rates are similar.
The reliable public funding structure, as well as a set of professional norms that protect editorial freedom, has yielded a highly respected and globally powerful journalistic institution.
For example, a financial institution that maintains a stock-trading Web site is likely to ensure that the public does not have access to the source or object code for their proprietary analysis tools.
The Fed is losing its vaunted status as an institution that somehow is above politics and public scrutiny.
I have great hopes for the School of Public Policy. It has the potential to become the leading institution of its kind.
Public schooling is an antiquated institution.
The morality as a behavior norm of regulating people relation is a soft institution that takes effect through the habit, idea and public opinion of definite times.
A medical institution engaged in medical practising activities shall use the name ratified by the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department.
The Public Health Administrative Department shall finish the examination within 30 days after receipt of all the documents submitted by the medical institution for the examination application.
Mutual fund is an institution that sells shares to the public and USES the proceeds to buy a portion of stocks and bonds.
Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls.
Other areas for potential cooperation are science and technology, public health, education, institution building, water resource management and disaster management.
Company, operation, firm enterprise, institution or association, or part thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration.
It is believed that the construction and perfection of plaintiff institution of Public Interest Litigation is in great necessity.