He gave an impressive speech to a receptive audience.
《牛津词典》He knows well that propaganda works best when there is a receptive audience.
I started wondering if there wasn't a more receptive audience for the field of AI.
The app improves their chances of finding a receptive audience by pointing them to the homes of people who voted for Obama.
His arose from an unusual confluence: a great crime, a great silence, a receptive audience and personal courage well above the ordinary.
Indeed, one of the reasons "taste is subjective" found such a receptive audience is that, historically, the things people have said about good taste have generally been such nonsense.
While such remarks and arguments probably won't find a receptive audience among U.S. lawmakers, they may resonate more with policymakers in Beijing worried about job losses and social unrest.
While such remarks and arguments probably won't find a receptive audience among U. S. lawmakers, they may resonate more with policymakers in Beijing worried about job losses and social unrest.
This is an area where the audience is far more receptive and still willing to pay attention.
However, the popularity of other forms of online communication and entertainment suggest a highly receptive mobile audience.
If you are asked to give a speech, you want the audience to be receptive to the content of the speech.
From the audience of Internet advertising receptive process to see, their psychological reaction, can be divided into perception, receiving, memory, attitude, behavior five stages.