1 词典释义:
land cruiser
时间: 2024-12-12 14:32:14
英 [land ˈkruːzə]
美 [lænd ˈkruzər]

n. 丰田公司生产的一款车型;陆地巡洋舰越野车;陆地巡洋舰;兰德酷路泽陆地巡洋舰;越野车

  • I was taught to drive in an old Land Cruiser there.


  • yep, getting in my land cruiser and driving back east.


  • Do you wish to add the Land Cruiser 200 V8 VX Turbo Diesel to your basket?

    你想添加VX的陆地巡洋舰200的V 8涡轮增压柴油到您的篮子?

  • If the maintenance manual requirements in the land cruiser after wading to grease on the chassis parts.


  • The basic function, fault self diagnosis and trouble shooting ways of cruise control system on land cruiser auto are introduced in detail.


  • A medium-sized dog has the same impact as a Toyota Land Cruiser driven 6, 000 miles a year, while a cat is equivalent to a Volkswagen Golf.


  • Today, at 44, he travels around Wuqi in a government-issued white Toyota Land Cruiser, frequently checking e-mail on his Coolpad smartphone.


  • It's this Lonely Planet circuit that everyone just signs on to, hops into the land cruiser with six other hippies, cruises with their guitars and doesn't even think about it.


  • The 2008 Land Cruiser experience allows exploration with a unique scrolling panorama. Expeditions to Australia and the Yukon are presented with video, photography, and music.


  • NYAL, Sudan - Joseph Gatyoung Khan made a vow, uttered in the back seat of a Land Cruiser on a very bumpy road, as he headed home for the first time in 22 years: I will not cry.


  • A heated argument ensued between the guard and my French travel companion, Nicolas Rapp, who had been driving a dark-green 1996 Toyota Land Cruiser around the globe for the last year.
