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So Equator East Pacific SSTA and the IOD have synergic effect.
The IOD has significant influences on the MJO intensity in boreal summer.
The physical image of anomalous circulation during IOD is revealed from the simulation.
There were great geographical changes in Nanjing area in the per iod of the Six Dynasties.
That might help. But technology, another preoccupation of the IoD report, is likely to help more.
Winter precipitation and temperature in Australian have also been influenced by either "pure" ENSO or "pure" IOD event.
Before the 168 IOD service project was on line, pressure test was needed to test if systems pressure burden ability is up to predicted.
Therefore, for the tropical Indian Ocean, the results manifest that the IOD mode is mainly response to the asymmetry of wind stress anomaly.
The zonal wind anomalies associated IOD are found to weaken, likely due to increased static stability of the troposphere from global warming.
With a shoaling of the EEIO thermocline, the thermocline feedback strengthens, and this leads to an increase in IOD variance and other characteristics changing.
Proximal gastric mucosal 5-ht-positive cells were examined by immunohistochemical method and their integrated optical density (IOD) value measured by image analysis.
以免疫组化方法检测近端胃黏膜5 - HT阳性细胞,应用图像分析系统测定其积分光密度(IOD)值。
Results show that the IOD anomaly results in anomalous atmospheric circulation, which affects the distribution of the rain belt during rainy seasons in China and the East Asian monsoon.
The results are as follow. (1)The specific growth rates of shrimp was the highest under IOD by MHL(P<0.05), while it was the lowest under IDNby FL(P<0.05), and the former is1.5589times of the latter.