The bronco spilt his rider.
The Bronco and Marcy - they went over!
The man performed like a bucking bronco.
Part 2: Tame this J2EE 1.4 bronco" (developerWorks, May 2005).
第 2 部分:驯服 J2EE 1.4 这匹野马”(developerWorks,2005 年 5 月)。
Outside he climbed into his Bronco and sped down the driveway.
THE oil market, born in Texas, is behaving like a bucking bronco again.
Aniston bought her brother Bronco car for Christmas, and he cried.
But sometimes lessons can come from other law enforcement agencies: he is in a white bronco.
At last the sheriff pulled her out of the back end of the Bronco and carried her to the waiting ambulance.
In the rodeo, cowboys and cowgirls participate in calf roping, bull or bronco riding, and steer wrestling.
But sometimes lessons can come from other law enforcement agencies: he is in a white bronco. Can you just send somebody over here?
Everybody remembers where they were when O. J. Simpson, riding in a white Bronco, led the police on a low-speed chase all over Los Angeles.
In the evenings after work, Mike king can often be found crouched down on all fours in the living room playing bucking bronco with his kids.
Offering a friendly howdy, picking wild herbs or taming a bucking bronco isn't just busywork — those actions make the world of RDR feel real and yet bygone.
Over the last two years and 14 trades, he's had an eclectic assortmentof items in his possession, including an iPod touch, various dirt bikes, aMacBook Pro, a golf cart, and a 1975 Ford Bronco.
在过去两年的14次交易中,他曾拥有过价值或高或低的物品,包括一部iPod touch,几部山地自行车,一部苹果笔记本MacBook Pro,一辆高尔夫球车和一部1975年福特Bronco。
After driving around the 1975 Ford Bronco—worth around$15, 000—for a while, Steven decided to trade it for the renown of being ateenage Porsche owner, even though the Boxster was worth only $9, 000.