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Enterprise IT arch and relationship to IT gov.
Relationship of Asset Gov and Asset-based Dev proc.
Gov, devoted to extolling the new bill's security features.
对于新版纸钞的防伪特点,在官网newmoney . gov。
There is a lively debate in progress about what some call Gov 2.0.
一场关于所谓的Gov 2.0的辩论现在正在激烈进行。
Gov. Deval Patrick declared Gates’ arrest “every black man’s nightmare.”
Target Namespace to urn:govSrvProvider1.gov/subSystem1/specifications/v1_0/
Target Namespace 设置为 urn:govSrvProvider1.gov/subSystem1/specifications/v1_0/
"I believe now we have had a miracle on the Hudson," Gov. David Paterson said.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney opposes using embryos from fertility clinics.
"FEMA has been very responsive, " said New Jersey's Republican Gov. Chris Christie.
Unfortunately, this feature auto-fixes only the suffix (.com, .org, .gov and so on).
Ms. Arvold says Gov. Palin has shopped at the store since before she became governor.
But our correspondent says the real reason Gov Schwarzenegger wants the change is money.
They're asking the public to go to FBI. gov to see the images and provide any tips they have.
And no attacks on the other side that couldn't be questioned directly by the press to Gov. Palin.
The plan was required under the Colorado Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act, signed by Gov. Bill Ritter in April.
The Assembly has voted for marriage equality repeatedly. Gov. Andrew Cuomo is ready to sign the bill into law.
gov, where an ostensible cross-section of public data is cataloged for subsequent use as development fodder.
Gov. Rick Perry's spokesman Mark Miner said the governor never intended to allow transgendered people to get married.
Online detectives, meanwhile, continue debating which lipstick brand Gov. Palin wore during her convention speech.
While in Korea, Gov. Mike Smith of Utah was relaxing in the VIP lounge the Seoul airport, awaiting his flight to Japan.
Mr. Randhawa plans to send Gov. Palin some additional pairs of shoes and approach her about some kind of partnership.
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson noted that each one would make an excellent contribution to his future administration.
"I got the distinct impression from Gov. Zhou that they feel they have gone as far as they are willing to," Mr. Schumer said.
The electronic application workflow middleware that this paper puts forward gives the solution for the construction of the E-GOV.
Representatives Weiner and Steve Israel of New York flanked Gov. David A. Paterson after returning from a trip to Iraq and Afghanistan.
'the yen is surging against the dollar and could damage our economy,' he wrote in a letter to Bank of Japan Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa.
他致信日本央行行长白川方明(Masaaki Shirakawa)说,日圆对美元正在飙升,可能损害我们的经济。
To understand why, one has to remember that Jobs spent much of the 1970s at the Los Altos Zen Center alongside then-and-current Gov.
要了解其中奥妙,就不能忘了乔布斯在1970年代的大部分时间是在洛斯阿尔托斯禅中心度过的(与时任及现任Jerry Brown州长一道)。
近6年出现 6 次
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