Lomo: Make photos clear, sharp and crisp.
LOMO does not interfere with your life, it's a part of it.
Rafel Lomo. looks for unique idea that try to solve the problem that basically boils down to fake it.
With amazing effects like LOMO, BlueTone and Ageing, lovely stickers and frames, this app is a great fun!
Camera ZOOM FX gives you the ability to apply 40 effects (vignette, lomo, retro, polaroid, etc.) to your photo.
Camera Zoom Fx让你能为照片应用40种效果(虚光、lomo、怀旧、polaroid等等)。
The relationship between the electric spark sensitivities of explosives and the gaps of HOMO and LOMO of the molecules is investigated. The results indicate a nea…
Gold-buying offices line its main avenues. Bars fill the side streets, offering beer and cheap lomo saltado—stir-fried meat and vegetables served with rice and French fries.
主干道两边排列着一个个黄金采购办事处,小街道的边上到处是酒吧,里面提供啤酒和便宜的秘鲁炒牛肉(lomo saltado)———— 一种配有大米和法国炸薯条的蔬菜炒肉。
Yesterday morning, long-awaited College Students Pioneer Park was officially open in LOMO Pioneering Valley, after finishing various facilities, the completion of the procedures.
昨日上午,酝酿已久的上城区大学生创业园在完善了各项设施配套,完成了各种报批手续后,揭开面纱,在 LOMO创意谷正式开园。