One of the first super delegates to come out for me was Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia.
And as long as there aren’t any more “Barbie: Super Model” games that teach me how to strut the runway in an odd..pixely way…then I will be there, awaiting the next big revelation in gaming.
A: Super Size me is a look at fast food and obesity in America.
Super girl and super dog like to play with me.
Over the weekend, I watched "Fathead", a documentary produced in reaction to Morgan Spurlock's "Super Size me".
To quell the fear my brother had instilled in me, my mom rushed out and bought me “Barbie: Super Model”.
Liars may seek internally to distance themselves from the lie as their ego and super-ego battle over what is right. As a result, they may use less personal pronouns (I, me, mine, etc.).
There is a little bit of luck involved in any kind of success story. I could tell you several instances in my career where luck played a part; however, luck did not make me a Super Affiliate.
我不否认任何成功故事都有一些运气成分在里面,但是我要告诉 你的是虽然我的职业生涯中交过那么几次好运,但是并不是因为运气我才成为Super Affilaite的。
So in fact, if you want a super long number — — let me go ahead and reopen this program — long you could declare long.
The movie presents me when I was at my most super-weird.
That meant being able to hide his equipment on his body: "I began using a super-wide panoramic camera, which allowed me to photograph scenes with the camera wrapped in a scarf or hidden under my arm."
What if I have a super strong accent, or a lisp, or something that's gonna make me a little bit more difficult to hear than the average person?
Another food movie worth watching is Super Size Me.
The little boy replied, "well last night daddy came into my bedroom and asked me for the Vaseline and I gave him super glue.
Are the super-rich truly happier than you and me?
The savings for us (and to me, personally) in managing the lifetime of the upcoming product cycle is going to be phenomenal - I'm super-excited to be using TFS!
In fact, I love getting almost any kind of gift and have always been super thankful that anyone has thought about me at all.
They are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girl and super dog like to play with me.
Longtime readers might have noted that I've been super-silent about events in Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, etc. As one reader asked me, "What gives?"
So why should I care? And moreover, how can something as mundane as this super-simple atom emitting and absorbing light teach me anything about dark matter?!
With China an important part of their long-term growth strategies, both groups are eager to avoid Super Size Me-style publicity - the film that tracked a man eating only McDonald's for 30 days.
鉴于中国在其长期增长战略中的重要地位,两家集团都急于避免它们在美国电影《给我最大号》(Super Size Me,又译“超码的我”)中的公众形象。 这部电影记录了一个人连续30天只吃麦当劳食品的经历。
Think of "Wall Street" (which damned finance), "The Constant Gardener" (drug firms), "Super Size Me" (fast food), "The Social Network" (Facebook) or "The Player" (Hollywood itself).
We had two coders, me and Victor, and Fei Jing was in charge of business and promotions Victor is a backend guru and coded up Python super-fast, while I worked on the entire front-end.
Not sure what it was, but people were super nice to me while I was there.
John] McCain, [Bob] Casey, maybe [Carl] Levin, but I don’t know if I will have enough time,” he told me, wearing jeans and a well-worn T shirt that said SUPER CHEVROLET SERVICE.
When you help people without any intention of ever getting benefit back, doors and new connections will open - this has been super important for me.
When I was very young I want to be a super mani thought it was very cool that I could be a hero and everyone could see me.