As far as I'm concerned, students who make a lot of progress should also be rewarded with prizes.
In desperation, you draft a "to-do" list, but most days, you can make little progress with it.
A little before the progress was ended, the Duke was obliged to ride forward, and make remonstrance.
Coach Lang Ping used to encourage me with the following words: A small progress a day will make you better and make our team stronger.
Wishing to make progress on the piano, one day, a boy was taken to a Paderewski's concert by his mother.
If we can make a bit of progress on those two fronts, says Mr Cowen, we can probably improve the quality of our everyday life.
BMW can make such a prediction confidently because of the progress it sees in universities, research centres and some start-up companies.
We wanted to get the engineering team involved as soon as possible, but our next set of tasks required a senior analyst to make more progress in the RUP inception phase, getting it well underway.
The maximum duration is not that important; instead, track progress in a meaningful way where everyone understands his or her role, and people can make measurable progress in a reasonable manner.
All of us have a choice: we can either make excuses, or make progress in life.
But a major knee injury last year, and a failed attempt to make him a point guard, slowed his progress.
I told someone that show makes me a little more optimistic because you can see how much progress society can make in a short period of time.
In this way you can make huge progress by tuning the brain to a specific frequency that helps with stress, anxiety and overall well being.
The finish line is already predetermined. And you make progress one step at a time.
But just a European one, we did not make any progress.
No one expected the Gulf states to make rapid progress towards a single currency.
The Rat Race refers to a pattern ofbehavior where we work for a living but barely make any progress financially.
Indeed, if you have felt that your career has been stagnating over past months and wondered why you were not able to make substantial progress, you can blame a weak Saturn.
By contrast, a lock-free algorithm requires only that some thread always make progress.
Even if it's just 30 minutes a day, you'll be surprised at how much progress you'll make in a short span.