The new law penalizes the poorest members of society.
The tax system heavily penalizes people with high incomes.
The proposed system also penalizes workers who have taken legitimate sick days.
The solution so far has been to give China a modifier that simply penalizes it for being China.
Such an environment fosters aggressive risk taking and penalizes those who practice conservatism.
Surely right now their absence penalizes us, but we can easily solve our problems even without them.
It is the only spec of any class I can think of that actually penalizes you for not tunnel visioning.
"The law penalizes us, the hotels, and it might hurt us during the current low season, " Basilli said.
At the moment, the only tangible effect when Google penalizes a site, is a reduction of visible Toolbar PR.
The second objection, emphasized by Becker, is that a tax on calories penalizes people who are not obese, and they are the majority.
Refuse to recap meetings for someone who arrives late, which both encourages those who showed up on time and penalizes those who dawdled.
Some of that is due to intrinsic limitations of running on the JVM, like the need for 100% boxed Numbers (which severely penalizes us on numeric algorithms).
Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system which penalizes successful achievement and keep us from maintaining full productivity.
即使那些有工作的人,也 因税收的缘故而得不到公正的劳动报酬,因为税收使我们无法在事业上取得成功, 使我们无法保持充分的生产力。
An extension made to another method (typically regression methods) that penalizes models based on their complexity, favoring simpler models that are also better at generalizing.