1 词典释义:
spinning around
时间: 2024-10-15 20:40:45


  • There is one dancer is spinning around.


  • I'm dancing, spinning around, happy in the last rhythms of the life I love.


  • If love makes this world spinning around then this couple gives an initial push for it.


  • I actually need to write in order to get the thoughts out instead of spinning around my head.


  • Squint your eyes a little and move your head slowly to make it look like the world is spinning around you.


  • A year goes by and their goals remain nothing more than mental laundry continually spinning around in their mind.


  • If this were a movie, it would show the hands of a clock spinning around, maybe whole calendar days flipping by.


  • Driving so, surrounded by this rain and distant fogs, with this pure, divine sound of classical music spinning around me...


  • Or, if you worry about bad luck after breaking a mirror, use the Irish solution of spinning around three times counterclockwise6.


  • He was chosen from the group for his lack of dizziness after spinning around on the three-axis astronaut training machine downstairs.


  • I like this sentence from The Purpose-driven life: Many people are like gyroscopes, spinning around at a frantic pace but never going anywhere.


  • One phase of the Xuzhou wool mill spindle spinning around 1 2,000 to 1 5,000 matching a production capacity, second to expand the scale of production to 3 million gross spinning spindle.


  • The planet's crust and mantle will suddenly shift, spinning around Earth's liquid-iron outer core and sending cities crashing into the sea. (Interactive: pole shift theories illustrated.)


  • Vertigo: Feeling that one is spinning or that one's surroundings are spinning around one, causing confusion and difficulty keeping one's Balance, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting.


  • You may imagine the planets moving in circles and spinning around the sun, but the purpose of all that movement is to generate energy. This movement provides the energy that runs your physical form.


  • The pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star which is spewing energy out into the space around it to create complex and intriguing structures, including one that resembles a large cosmic hand.


  • She was spinning white flaxen thread, which ran from her spinning wheel down to a pile around her feet, then on down the slope, like a creek.


  • They sit in rows, taking hot glass into their gloved hands and spinning it around a cylinder.


  • According to the theory of general relativity, the speed and angular momentum of such a large spinning body twists the space and time around it in a process called frame-dragging.


  • When it's spinning parallel to the ground, support your weight on your left foot and use your right foot to power your spin; the momentum of the hoop should carry you around.


  • Magnetic levitation, or maglev, holds the ball in place while it spins around, getting clothes cleaner than a circular-spinning drum ever could.


  • The amount of angular momentum, say, a spinning skater has depends on both the speed of rotation, and the weight and distribution of mass around the center.


  • Audiophiles, on the other hand, stick to belt-driven models which produce less vibration when spinning and maintain higher audio quality — they've also been around as long as direct-drive models.

    另一方面,发烧友依然坚持听传动式唱片,这种唱片播放时颤音更少,并且有更高的音频质量- - -它跟磁带一样历久弥新。

  • A Frisbee has this rim so you can actually try to make it rotate around the point on the circumference by holding it near the rim and spinning it there.
