Somehow or alternative, they will got to traumatize their bulky adore.
Maggie: Ok well have you thought about how this could traumatize Ben and Carol?
But it is for you to discuss and sort out the problems and let the fights not traumatize your married life!
And, if the weather and the water are not bad enough, we also do a whole lot of things to our hair that damage and traumatize it, like dyeing and bleaching it.
除了环境和气候因素,我们平常的染发、漂色等也会损害头发。 改变造型或许非常有趣,而且我们都愿意紧跟时尚潮流;
Because of the close anatomical relationship between the vertebral arteries and the cervical spine, chiropractic manipulation or neck rotation may traumatize the vertebral arteries in the neck.
Methods Observing ultrasonogram of normal and traumatize flexor tendons of chicken toe and find out corresponds with ultrasonography and histological morphology during the healing process of tendon.