When a bad weather low moves in, air pressure lessens, and odors are released.
One source of error is refraction, the bending of light beams as they pass through air layers of different temperature and pressure.
For example, in fair weather, the air pressure is generally high, the air is still, and often full of dust.
The pain that penetrates each joint is brought about by a change in air pressure, such as the change that proceeds a storm.
One technical difficulty is cavitation, where low pressure behind a turning blade causes air bubbles.
The air tank contains high-pressure purified air and is exactly like the tank used by a SCUBA diver.
空气瓶内装有纯净高压空气,很像 SCUBA 潜水员用的气瓶。
The main factors that affect the pressure and temperature of the chambers can be summarized as air pressure and L/D.
Air temperature and vapor pressure deficit were the key factors affecting transpiration.
More severe cases may be treated with a CPAP machine, so named because they maintain constant positive air pressure to the wind pipe to help users breathe easy at night.
"One of the interesting things about speech - and singing - is we go through a very complicated process so that we have an even air pressure in our lungs," Lieberman says.
The change in air pressure associated with a sonic boom is only a few pounds per square foot — about the same pressure change experienced riding an elevator down two or three floors.
This weather balloon will mostly measure temperature, air pressure, and wind speed, but others sample the air for the concentration of various gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen.
The effect of car care best practices, such as changing your oil or checking a tire's air pressure, is not implicit unless we have measurements to quantify what we gained or lost.
Air pressure will cement the object over the hole. And you will walk away a hero.
Air pressure on the surface of the Earth is fairly constant, so in designing a microphone for use on land, engineers don't have to worry about large variations in air pressure.
And the sudden change in air pressure would lead to a nasty case of the bends, as if you were scuba diving and came up too fast.
The focus of the light on the solar cell can also be fine-tuned by changing the air pressure within the balloon, and thus the curvature of the mirror.
The focus of the light on the solar cell can also be fine-tuned by changing the air pressure within the balloon, and thus the curvature of the mirror.
At altitude, the air pressure is lower, and so are aerodynamic effects such as drag and lift, ultimately causing balls to travel faster and straighter than they would at lower altitude.
How true is it that maintaining good air pressure in your tires and driving slower will save you gas money?
PRESSURE】The air pressure at sea level is nearly 15 pounds for each square inch.
Sobel explained the device works even if a patient has been given artificial respiration because it functions regardless of air pressure source.
Aircraft are generally kept at an air pressure similar to what you'd find between 6,000 and 8,000 feet above sea level.
Aircraft are generally kept at an air pressure similar to what you'd find between 6, 000 and 8, 000 feet above sea level.
Instead of air pressure, it USES magnetic fields.
The turbines' spinning blades cause a drop in air pressure, which can kill bats.