1 词典释义:
power installation
时间: 2025-02-24 06:02:22


  • A nuclear heat power plant adopts a 3-loop system power installation.


  • The rolling mill rolling precise stainless steel pipe forms a complete set for the electric power installation.


  • This article presents a feasibility study of applying the type JC fuel-saving magnetizer to Marine power installation.


  • Its thermodynamic characteristic has a heavy impaction on the security and economy of a running turbine and the nuclear power installation.


  • Marine shafting is one of the main parts of ship power installation and alignment calculation is necessary for the safety and reliability of ship.


  • Last month their "do no evil" search-engine company announced plans to build the largest corporate solar-power installation at its Silicon Valley campus.


  • Dynamic analysis model of the nuclear fuel element and the tube of heat exchangers in nuclear power installation is treated as a multi-spanned continuous beam.


  • Finally, the theory used in the design of the shipping power installation is mainly conventional, which can not represent the priority of the computer in the recent design field.


  • To solve these problems, except speeding up the construction of power installation, we should make good use of our present power facilities and encourage consumers to save power.


  • The spring brake air chamber of motor vehicle, acting as the power installation of brake actuating system, improves the efficacy and simplifies the construction of parking brake system.


  • The company has: the power installation of the division, the cause of the generators, welding machine division, power division, Construction Machinery Group, shops, technical service centres.


  • The current loss in magnetically insulated transmission line (MITL) on pulsed power installation "S-300" is studied by measuring bremsstrahlung between the electrodes, current and voltage in the load.

    在装置“S - 300”上,通过测量真空磁绝缘传输线中电极间电子流轫致辐射和负载上的电流、电压等参数,研究了磁绝缘传输线中的电流损失特性。

  • As a result, it saves lots of resources like servers, power consumption, installation, and configuration of different products on each server, test execution time, and server administration.


  • The root filesystem contains all installation, diagnostics, and recovery tools used by the toolkit, including the Linux on POWER documentation catalog.

    根文件系统包含工具包所用的全部安装、诊断和恢复工具,包括 Linux on POWER 文档编目。

  • Easy Linux installation: a wizard helps you install and configure Linux on POWER machines in just a few steps, and it works with new and existing configurations.


  • The layer, through the power of OSGi, also permits the drop-and-restart plug-in installation model.

    通过 OSGi 的强大功能,该层还支持“放置并重新启动 (drop-and-restart)”插件安装模型。

  • 1c leverages all the power of DB2 Express-C, and there's even a setting in DB2 (automatically set by the 1c installation program) that runs the DB2 engine in "1c-mode".

    1c充分利用DB 2 Express - C的所有不受限制的功能,DB 2中甚至有一个以“1c模式”运行DB 2引擎的设置(由1 C安装程序自动设置)。

  • The IBM installation Toolkit provides a set of tools that greatly simplify the installation of Linux on virtualized and non-virtualized Power machines.

    IBM Installation Toolkit提供了一组工具,可以大大简化虚拟化和非虚拟化Power机器上的Linux安装。

  • On the installation of three yuan catalytic system for engine ignition, lack of energy, will cause serious consequences of low power question.


  • Hovercraft is a kind of high-powered watercraft. the propulsion system of hovercraft concludes mainframe power transfer device thruster air propeller installation and assistant system.


  • This paper is focused on a shunt active filter based on detection of harmonic voltage to attenuate harmonic propagation in a power distribution network and its installation site selection.


  • All the circuitry and electrical installation should be in good condition, meet the requirement of power machine, with reliable insulation and convenient control.


  • This article depicts the importance of communication power supply in communication field and the importance of its installation, it also briefly analyses the main details during its installation.


  • Assemble machinery and equipment prior to installation using hand and power tools and welding equipment.


  • The financing is needed to support the installation of new power generation capacity at the rate of seven times the annual average of the last 10 years.


  • But so is hard economics: low installation and Labour costs, clean power delivery at peak midday hours and a hedge against fuel-price volatility.


  • As against an inlet manifold engine of the same power, the turbo engine requires a smaller installation space and as such has a better power-weight ratio.
