This is the most inefficient use of your reading time.
Why is he shooting so much from midrange? It's the most inefficient shot in basketball.
That's in my view the most inefficient component of any business, really: the marketing spent.
The most inefficient hospital (D24) could become relatively efficient by the improvement of all indexes.
This is however the most inefficient way of storing the tile layer data, and should generally be avoided.
Although the emulation is clean at this abstraction, it's also the most inefficient and highly complicated.
This is probably the most inefficient way to go about doing things, unless you have memory constraints et al.
The industries that are most inefficient and most highly protected are automobile, textiles, clothing and footwear industries.
When the economy was firing on all cylinders, there was no capacity to spare, but in these slack times China has closed some of its oldest (and most inefficient) coal - and oil-fired power plants.
It is possible also that in my inexperience I have designed inefficient grammars; but if so, most users would likely do likewise.
Most of the Russian Federation, after all, is pretty chilly, and the building stock - much of it byproducts of Soviet-era design - is profoundly inefficient.
In particular, most are still working within a fundamentally document-driven development paradigm that is inefficient and error-prone.
Insufficient or inaccurate statistics lead to inaccurate cost estimates for the candidate access paths and is the most common reason for the selection of inefficient access paths.
Making solar cells from silicon, the most common approach, can be expensive and relatively inefficient at turning sunlight into electricity.
Yet, compared to how most of us write, constantly self-editing every other sentence, it's just horribly inefficient.
The upstream countries point to Egypt's own wasteful practices, saying the 75 percent of Egypt's water is used for agriculture, most of it wasted by inefficient, old-fashioned practices.
The upstream countries point to Egypt's own wasteful practices, saying that 75 percent of Egypt's water is used for agriculture, most of it wasted by inefficient, old-fashioned practices.
Most energy storage systems such as batteries are expensive or inefficient.
Typically, prototyping in Flex is inefficient because, when you start developing a "real" version, most of the prototype is throw-away code.
Most people live chaotic and inefficient lives and can you guess why? It's because they have bad habits and are unwilling to change those habits.
The offline life is the hurried, inefficient, non-productive, unfulfilling life that most people live from 7am to 11pm.
Most asset rearrangement of quoted companies do not advance optimum distribution of social resources. The cause of inefficient asset rearrangement is the defect of security market system.
Most traditional graphical programming platforms adopt running algorithmic based on data-driven mode, which leads to inefficient use of CPU and low execution performance.
This hurried, inefficient, non-productive, unfulfilling life is the one most people live. The life of 7 to 11.
However, in the process of mutation and copy, most changes will make the new B-cells become more weak or produce non-functionality antibody, then the system will be huge spending and inefficient.
Experiencing education is the most efficient way to solve the inefficient humane and moral education.
Most executives that don't delegate real authority are insecure and inefficient.
But most of our domestic furniture enterprises use traditional manner of manual drawing in the part and assembly drawing. Such a way is inefficient and not enough accurate.