1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-13 11:50:35
英 [sep]


  • The event types are defined to the CEP engine.


  • This is a typical application of fraud detection using CEP engines.


  • But does CEP require a completely different type of architecture?


  • Sell CEP Chengdu miniature to small progressive metal stampings.


  • CEP lets you extract it and use it in ways you want to, "he said."


  • Complex event processing (CEP) providing both conduits for and sources of events.


  • The general flow of sensor events through the CEP engine is illustrated in Figure 3.


  • I think CEP should be woven into the very fabric of the services and processes that you design.


  • Therefore, you can see that the CEP engine acts to compose and invoke business events and actions.

    因此,我们会发现 CEP 引擎执行相关操作来组合和调用业务事件和操作。

  • CEP offers a high throughput and low latency solution for processing large amounts of monitoring data.


  • It receives the output from the CEP engine, which consists of data aggregated for over 70,000 metrics.


  • Complex event Processing (CEP) : the ability to process events on the bus as an aggregate by correlation.


  • CEP engines are optimized to efficiently detect relationships between events that have time dependencies.


  • By 2008, he foresees the emergence of CEP standards, languages and complex event-pattern search engines.


  • The renewal application presents a good opportunity for CEP holders to submit a RMS in their application.


  • The Traceability Server alerts capability enables direct integration into a complex event processing (CEP) engine.

    Traceability Server 的警报功能能够直接与复杂事件处理 (CEP) 引擎集成。

  • Simulation results show that SPCEP is obviously superior to classical CEP and SPMEP for high-dimensional functions.


  • Alternatively if no elemental impurities are intentionally added in the process, this will be mentioned on the CEP.


  • Limits for elemental impurities in the final substance, as implemented by the CEP holder will be included on the CEP.

    元素杂质在最终原料药中的限度会根据CE P持有人实施的情况包括在CEP上。

  • CEP engines manage the logical processing of events in order to recognize patterns and invoke actions based on defined rules.


  • Based on this information, a final decision whether a CEP can be granted will be taken, following a risk-based assessment.


  • If you're one of those that never can decide on what to order, the house strongly recommends the Risotto with Chicken and Cep Mushroom.


  • Any relevant specification, as proposed by the applicant, will be mentioned on the CEP together with the corresponding analytical method.


  • The spectrum of auditory model and LPC-CEP shows that this auditory model not only represents speech signal well, but also is noise robust.

    通过对听觉谱和L PC倒谱对比分析,得到了听觉谱适宜用作语音识别并具有良好的噪声鲁棒性的结论。

  • CEP engines have sophisticated techniques for event correlation, based on pattern matching and event definitions, and might be spatial or temporal.


  • Once you’ve enabled the forwarding of event messages to the CEP engine, you’ll need to define the necessary CEP artifacts to act on those events.

    启用了将事件消息转发到 CEP 引擎后,将需要定义必要的 CEP 构件,以处理这些事件。

  • When the CEP engine finds a set of events that matches the relationship, it notifies the alerts component, which then creates a user-defined notification.


  • The CEP engine in Premises Server is used to recognize event patterns to create a higher abstraction business event or directly execute a business process.

    Premises Server中的CEP引擎用于识别事件模式,以创建更高的抽象业务事件或直接执行业务流程。