1 词典释义:
huge rise
时间: 2025-03-02 12:21:39
英 [hjuːdʒ rʌɪz]
美 [(h)judʒ raɪz]


  • A huge rise in real estate prices is a symptom of dysfunctional Banks.


  • Last week was the 21st birthday of the G7's Plaza Accord, which triggered a huge rise in the yen.


  • Like America, Spain experienced a huge property bubble, accompanied by a huge rise in private-sector debt.


  • That represents what happened from 2008ii to 2009ii: a huge fall in real GDP, a huge rise in unemployment.


  • Therefore, the fast development and globalization for Sinohydro are urgent due to the huge rise of the income from international business.


  • Some experts now think there may be no theoretical limit at all, pointing to the huge rise in the number of centenarians in the past few decades.


  • So I don't believe we will see a huge rise in violent crime, but I expect rates of property crime and crimes of opportunity15 to remain high.


  • The great housing bubble of the last decade, which was both an American and a European phenomenon, was accompanied by a huge rise in household debt.


  • Coupled with generous welfare benefits this resulted in decades of high "structural" unemployment and a huge rise in the share of people without work.


  • Indeed, the first two months of this year saw Canadian exports surge by 40% y-on-y, fuelled by a huge rise in shipments to Japan, South Korea and Europe.


  • Agencies say they've seen a huge rise in pre-matrimonial investigations to check a suitor's background, because more people are meeting online and families are less involved.


  • As incomes rise among low-income consumers, the potential for further grain consumption is huge.


  • The rise of consumerism in the emerging economies-the global slowdown notwithstanding-also represents a huge opportunity for the toy industry.


  • Such a rise would bring a high risk of major extinctions, threats to food supplies and the near-total collapse of the huge Greenland ice sheet.


  • There are sound reasons for prices to rise in China, given income growth and huge pent-up demand for decent housing.


  • And there will be howls from Congress, and maybe the White House too, if interest rates rise when joblessness is still high and the deficit huge.


  • But in terms of the global average, a one-degree temperature rise has huge implications for people and the planet.


  • The biggest winners, of course, are huge tourist markets such as Miami or New York, which registered a 22% rise in overseas visitors last year.


  • For the most part, these huge gains reflected a dramatic rise in the super-elite's share of pretax income.But there were also large tax cuts favoring the wealthy.


  • For the most part, these huge gains reflected a dramatic rise in the super-elite's share of pretax income. But there were also large tax cuts favoring the wealthy.


  • They are not regulated like a boy's hormones but come in huge waves over a 28-day cycle and can cause havoc for many girls and women due to the rise and fall of emotions that go with it.


  • Consumer spending sank at a 3.5% annual rate, similar to its third-quarter drop, despite a big rise in real after-tax income, thanks to the huge drop in petrol prices.


  • Hedge funds have taken huge positions in futures contracts for commodities such as corn, betting prices will rise.


  • Messrs Gordon and Dew-Becker point to the rise of "superstar" Labour markets in which the best talent commands a huge premium.

    Messrs Gordon和Dew - Becker指出,“超级巨星”劳动力市场的兴起让最好的人才掌握了巨额财富。

  • Under current rules, Brazil’s minimum wage will rise by 7.5% in real terms next year—at huge fiscal cost, since pension payments are linked to the minimum wage.

    在现行规则下,巴西明年的实际最低工资将上涨7.5%。 这是以巨大的财政代价换来的,因为养老金与最低工资相关联。

  • Under current rules, Brazil's minimum wage will rise by 7.5% in real terms next year—at huge fiscal cost, since pension payments are linked to the minimum wage.
