Let us analyze the process of making a sale in company like Sears Roebuck .
I've been told that the window came as a kit out of a Sears Roebuck catalogue.
In the early part of this century, Sears Roebuck sold houses by mail-order. Many are still sturdy and habitable 80 years on.
Then he bought a five-dollar Sears Roebuck guitar and, plucking on that while alternately blowing the harmonica and singing, he became a one-man band.
This A.C. Roebuck &Company later became Sears, Roebuck and Company and in 1893 moved to Chicago.
In 1988 IBM and Sears, Roebuck created an ambitious commercial online service for ordinary Americans called Prodigy. Shortly, however, AOL came to dominate the business in the U.S..
1988年IBM和Sears Roebuck为普通美国民众创造了一个名为Prodigy的雄心勃勃的商业化在线服务。