We waited for the wind to godown.
Publishers have godown the app road before.
Then save to godown, waiting for shipment.
接着将产品送到货仓, 等待出货。
Bales of rubber were being weighed at a godown.
Will you godown with us, to fight for our land? We will help you fight for yours!
Captain Chapman is remembered by the ruins of his indigo warehouse in a Hamlet named after it, Godown.
Man Sun Godown Ltd has more than 20 years of experience in Warehouse industry and has 300,000 sq. ft. area of space.
Most residents of Godown, a huddle of mud and brick huts, are dalit, especially chamars and dhobis, of the Hindu washer caste.
Sunil Kumar, a 32-year-old in Godown, was on leave from a textiles hub near Mumbai, Bhiwandi, where he operates a power-loom.
"See!" returned the mender of roads, with extended finger. "You godown here, and straight through the street, and past the fountain —".
This takes in disorder, there are a lot of ships of dog dinners, we see to the godown, if the things all had no, that was to run into pirate.