You can solve this problem by making use of your old backpacks to store all kinds of tools.
Later, they learned to work with the seasons, planting at the right time and, in dry areas, making use of annual floods to irrigate their fields.
At least, you are making use of your money, and hopefully deriving value and pleasure from it.
In this approach, large corporations participate in the development of successful and stable minority businesses by making use of government-sponsored venture capital.
For the college student, the most helpful of these skills include making use of the various aids to understanding that most textbooks provide and skim reading for a general survey.
Making use of Web application life cycle events.
Create a collection framework making use of generics.
One can use the API to write tools making use of the Phoenix features.
Voice recognition highlights the importance of making use of data exhaust.
With our query interface in place, we can start making use of our comment feeds.
建立了查询接口之后,就可以开始使用评论 feed 了。
The deaf are also making use of Qik, Inc. 's video chat app for HTC's EVO mobile phone.
For R5, LotusScript enables you to develop code making use of lock and Unlock functions.
That means making use of renewable resources for the task, say wind and solar resources.
那意味着该任务是要利用可再生资源,比如风能和太阳能。其中的say是副词,比如,相当于for example。
You are making use of Psionics in the module, can you tell us a little bit more about it?
A business model like this-making use of mobile phones-could massively reduce transaction costs.
It is certainly a good phenomenon that more students are making use of computers in their studies.
Unfortunately, no hooks have yet been provided for making use of this flexibility at the user level.
Figure 2, below, depicts how a privilege set is formed making use of privileges and privilege groups.
It was also apparent that the British were making use of him, or thought they were making use of him.
It is unfortunate the parties involved decided to pursue litigation instead of making use of these tools.
This is the main function for module loading, making use of numerous other functions to do the difficult work.
The driver will perform hardware register accesses and advanced programming by making use of mmap , for example.
The blocking functionality is achieved by making use of sleep_on_interruptible inside the driver's ioctl function.
这种阻塞功能是利用驱动程序的 ioctl 函数中的 sleep_on_interruptible 实现的。
In the above case study, when the LDR_CNTRL variable was exported, the application started making use of large pages.
对于上面的案例研究,当导出the LDR_CNTRL变量时,应用程序开始使用大页面。
The group meets at a church-school campus, making use of fields, blacktop and bleachers (for running drills, of course).
By effectively making use of the kernel debugger, you can reduce the work of the kernel thread that was described earlier.
By making use of a customized ClearQuest query, you can easily generate various Requirement Traceability Verification reports.
通过使用可定制的ClearQuest查询,您可以轻松生成各种Requirement Traceability Verification报告。
The pavilion Meteoland illustrates how making use of weather and climate information brings about better life in better cities.