Living at a fast pace, or a slow pace?
Social media continues to grow at a fast pace.
Spring I love and my sorrow repair at a fast pace.
Oil-eating bacterial microbes are working at a fast pace.
Chefs must accustom themselves to working at a fast pace.
There is no need to walk at a fast pace. Enjoy the moment.
When on a loose lead, the Afghan can trot at a fast pace;
Riichi mahjong is gaining popularity at a fast pace in France.
Americans living at a fast pace often just "grab a quick bite." fast.
I've been to China a few times and they are moving forward at a fast pace.
This often comes off as impatience, but Gen Ys are used to things moving at a fast pace.
For this reason, quite young people who have what it takes can advance at a fast pace.
Since the middle of the 20th century, modern tourism has been growing at a fast pace around the world.
The Liverpool game was played at a fast pace right until the end and there were lots of chances for both sides.
Huffington's arrival in Brazil couldn't come in a better time as the country's online market is growing at a fast pace.
And their mitochondria - the tiny batteries that power cells - were super-charged, turning food into energy at a fast pace.
As the society and economy develop at a fast pace, people are burdened and exhausted under great pressure in their strained, busy life.
All of the tools are maturing at a fast pace, and many of the trade-offs discussed here are being addressed by current implementation efforts.
The ideal is to start out at a fast pace that you can sustain for the distance, with enough reserve to push past slowing competitors near the finish.
Overall, Earth is warming at a rapid pace—2014 through 2017 rank as the hottest years on record—and the Arctic is warming twice as fast as anyplace else on Earth.
If you're concerned about falling, you're probably running at too fast of a pace or too much of an incline.
This is our view -- a slowdown, sure, but one that it is to be welcomed from too fast a pace of growth, " said economists at UBS.
On fast hardware, the game will still run at a constant pace of 25 times per second, but the updating of the screen will be way faster than this.
在快速的硬件环境,游戏依旧运行在固定的25 FPS 下,但屏幕更新会超过这个速度。
Some might progress fast and some at a slower pace.
"We were improving at a fast enough pace that each time one of the credits went away, we made up for it with cost savings from the new technology," he told me.
“Globally, renewable energy is increasing at a very fast pace—it’s the fastest-growing energy technology in the world,” he says.
On runs when you're feeling good and fluid, finish up the last 5 to 10 minutes at a "comfortably fast" pace, about the pace you could maintain for 30 to 60 minutes.
当你的跑步感觉舒服流畅,最后5 - 10分钟以“舒服的加速”的配速进行,也就是你能坚持30 - 60分钟左右的配速。
"The property sector has probably already reached a tipping point given the data is getting worse at a very fast pace," Zhang said.