How subcultures could be enhanced with new media?
Within the overall culture, there are usually subcultures.
Broadly speaking, two distinct subcultures have evolved in Fujian.
They zoomed deep in, exploring subcultures, individual voices, specific ethnic communities.
Chinese rock music comes from the Western society and is a result of the globalization of subcultures.
Subcultures is one of the most influential researches in Birmingham School of Cultural Studies during the 1970's and 1980's.
In this situation, you can create a single satellite assembly for a parent culture that can be used by all related subcultures.
Entire subcultures now define themselves primarily or exclusively through their chosen text-messaging or instant-messaging argot.
What I want to continue to do is... not only great powerful clothing, but also mixing music, subcultures, more of an entertainment spirit.
Corporate culture is not entirely monolithic or uniform throughout the organisation. Within the overall culture, there are usually subcultures.
For example, marketing and accounts personnel may have different subcultures due to the differences in the nature of their work and environment.
Understanding the cultural habits of another nation, especially one containing as many different subcultures as the United States, is a different thing.
This article demonstrate the relationship between "Da Hua culture" and youth subcultures: "Da Hua culture" reflected the situation of youth sub-culture.
As a student in fashion merchandising, you'll learn about fabrics and textiles. You'll also get to study the cultures and subcultures that shape the way people dress.
Feel free to participate in the vampire craze and goth subcultures, but if you're thinking of sampling human blood, make sure there's a doctor handy - for you, not your victim.
The resistant rate of resistant mutants gradually decreased after 9 generations of subcultures in the absence of fungicides and the resistance obtained could be unstable.
Different social cultures foster different accountants, and then different accounting subcultures, thus, have direct influence on the choice of accounting management systems.
For different varieties of variegated leafcroton, the growing capacity of callus and plant regeneration displayed evident varietal specificities in late stage of subcultures.
变叶木的品种不同 ,其愈伤组织的生长及再生植株能力 ,在继代培养中后期表现出明显的品种特异性 。
The culture embodied in advertisement and trademark is a type of subcultures which is attached to the main culture. Being the basis, the main culture is enriched and broadened by it.
The opportunity to explore disparate geographies, experience distinctive cultures and subcultures, and encounter engaging and perhaps even conflicting ideals is bound to broaden one’s horizons.
American culture portrays a strong sense of regional and ethnic identity, which is represented by a number of subcultures and influenced by the country's vast geographical and regional differences.