1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-21 12:29:32


  • Whether it's rough physical play, outdoor play or social or pretend play, kids derive important lessons from the chance to make things up as they go, he said.


  • "It was rough, with big scales," said Swisher, who was on her way to pick up her friend at the airport when it happened.


  • "It was rough, with big scales,'' said Swisher, who was on her way to pick up her friend at the airport when it happened.

    事发时斯威舍正在去机场接朋友的路上 ,他说:“它很粗糙,鳞片很大。”

  • Rough calculations show that the savings made by employers when their staff works from home are of similar value to the compensation workers should receive for setting up offices at home.


  • "It was rough for some, but by senior year, two-thirds have moved up to physics," says Gilbert.


  • No one keeps an exact count, but rough calculations based on the government's survey suggest that perhaps 1,600 American public and private schools are teaching Chinese, up from 300 or so a decade ago.


  • She ganged up on me with those rough boys.


  • The clockmaker had only a rough sense of the value of money, though, so it tended to end up forgotten in satchels or in piles against the wall.


  • He's a decent person placed in circumstances that tend to rough up young men.


  • Baking soda and water rubbed on rough elbows, heels, etc will help smooth and soften. Follow up with your favorite moisturizer.


  • The rough carving is made following that outline before the final carving is executed, for which the carver may use up to 100 different chisels.


  • When police are trying to find a suspect in a serious crime, a police sketch artist may be called in to interview witnesses and come up with a rough sketch of the person's features.


  • Manabe also worked up a rough calculation for the effects of clouds.


  • Demonstrating the ability, and the inclination, to write well is a rough equivalent to showing up in a black Mercedes.


  • Because you have released all these certainties - and that is a sign of strength - fears may turn up and you may feel like you're drifting around by yourself on a rough ocean.


  • These are rough numbers, and depend on how difficult the habit is and also whether anything comes up in the future to derail the habit.


  • Their skateboards clicked against the rough concrete lip of the fountain as they flipped up and back to cheers from onlookers.


  • After watching snakes wriggle up rough fabric surfaces or (less successfully) smooth surfaces, scientists from New York University and elsewhere say the secret is in the scales.


  • He has tidied up the city somewhat and cut the number of rough sleepers.


  • To many Afrikaners, who have grown up playing rough games on sun-baked ground so hard that every tumble draws blood, rugby is little short of everything.


  • As we went up the rough mountainous path in the early morning, we beheld piercing sunlight and drifting clouds that turned the skyline into a huge ink-wash painting.


  • Host cities have long been accused of sanitizing rough areas in the run-up to the Olympics.


  • Two classrooms had temporary screens set up, with the rough-hewn wooden desks piled up outside, under a tree.


  • At cabinet meetings, especially with the “rough”, Lyndon Johnson (far left), he would nervously hitch up his trousers, sigh, bury his head in his hands.


  • The Canadian dollar, having dipped sharply, is back up to rough parity with the greenback.


  • Business schools need to make more room for people who are willing to bite the hands that feed them: to prick business bubbles, expose management fads and generally rough up the most feted managers.
